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[英]Php xml encoding issue

Hi guys after 5 hours of research and trying everything I'm so desperate so I write here. 大家好,经过5个小时的研究并尝试了一切,我如此绝望,所以我在这里写下。 I have an XML file coming from a third party. 我有一个来自第三方的XML文件。 When I try to parse it with SimpleXMLElement it simply says that the string is not in valid XML format and I also found out that this happens due to ANSI encoding the XML file is having. 当我尝试使用SimpleXMLElement解析它时,它只是说字符串不是有效的XML格式,而且我还发现这是由于XML文件具有ANSI编码所致。 I tried converting the file to UTF-8 -> it gets read by the parser but all my Cyrillic symbols are lost, replaced by meaningless chars. 我尝试将文件转换为UTF-8->解析器读取了该文件,但是我所有的西里尔字母符号都丢失了,取而代之的是无意义的字符。 Then in notepad++ I copied the content created a file with utf8 encoding and pasted the content -> it was just fine and got read by the parser. 然后在notepad ++中,我复制了内容,并使用utf8编码创建了一个文件,并粘贴了该内容->很好,并被解析器读取。 I tried to do it with code but no result -> I get contents of the file, create a file with first bytes, the bytes of UTF-8 file, output the content and when I open it -> meaningless chars instead of Cyrillic. 我试图用代码来实现它,但是没有结果->我得到文件的内容,创建一个文件,第一个字节,UTF-8文件的字节,输出内容,当我打开它时->无意义的字符而不是西里尔字母。 Help me please I really need to convert this file to UTF-8 valid for the XML parser or could you please tell me another way to parse the file from XML to array. 请帮助我,我真的需要将此文件转换为对XML解析器有效的UTF-8,或者您可以告诉我另一种将文件从XML解析为数组的方法。


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