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适用于Mac的Android 4.0中的GoogleMaps

[英]GoogleMaps in Mono For Android 4.0 on Mac

I'm trying to run the samples of xamarin about googlemaps, and the MapsDemo sample doesnt work. 我正在尝试运行关于googlemaps的xamarin样本,而且MapsDemo示例不起作用。 I'm trying to run on the google api 8 emulator, it throws me this error: Couldn't get connection factory client, and when im trying to run on google api 10 emulator: 我试图在谷歌api 8模拟器上运行,它抛出我这个错误:无法获得连接工厂客户端,当我试图在谷歌api 10模拟器上运行时:

W/System.err(  555): IOException processing: 26
W/System.err(  555): java.io.IOException: Server returned: 3
W/System.err(  555):    at android_maps_conflict_avoidance.com.google.googlenav.map.BaseTileRequest.readResponseData(BaseTileRequest.java:115)
W/System.err(  555):    at android_maps_conflict_avoidance.com.google.googlenav.map.MapService$MapTileRequest.readResponseData(MapService.java:1473)
W/System.err(  555):    at android_maps_conflict_avoidance.com.google.googlenav.datarequest.DataRequestDispatcher.processDataRequest(DataRequestDispatcher.java:1117)
W/System.err(  555):    at android_maps_conflict_avoidance.com.google.googlenav.datarequest.DataRequestDispatcher.serviceRequests(DataRequestDispatcher.java:994)
W/System.err(  555):    at android_maps_conflict_avoidance.com.google.googlenav.datarequest.DataRequestDispatcher$DispatcherServer.run(DataRequestDispatcher.java:1702) 

and my apiKey is correct. 我的apiKey是正确的。 Does anyone have this working with googlemaps with monodroid on mac? 有没有人在Mac上使用带有monodroid的googlemaps? If you do, how can I solve this? 如果你这样做,我该如何解决这个问题? Because I have already spent a long time trying to solve this one but I cannot find the solution. 因为我已经花了很长时间试图解决这个,但我找不到解决方案。

The default emulators do not ship with the Google API's. 默认模拟器不附带Google API。 When you create your emulator, you will need to choose a target like: 在创建模拟器时,您需要选择以下目标:

Google APIs (Google Inc.) - API Level 8 Google API(Google Inc.) - API等级8

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