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PHP的FTP无法在Amazon linux EC2实例上运行?

[英]PHP's FTP isn't working on Amazon linux EC2 instance?

I set up a m1.large EC2 instance and want to use it to download logs off a cdn's server. 我设置了一个m1.large EC2实例,并希望用它从cdn的服务器上下载日志。 I had the code working just fine on my ubuntu laptop but once uploaded to the server the ftp_rawlist() function stopped working. 我的代码在我的ubuntu笔记本电脑上运行得很好但是一旦上传到服务器,ftp_rawlist()函数就停止了工作。 As far as i can tell the code is still logging into the ftp server but rawlist isn't returning any files. 据我所知,代码仍然登录到ftp服务器,但rawlist没有返回任何文件。

here is the sample code: 这是示例代码:


$FTP_USERNAME = 'username';
$FTP_PASSWORD = 'pass';
$FTP_SERVER   = 'cdn.server';
$FTP_LOGDIR   = 'logs';

$conn_id = ftp_connect($FTP_SERVER) or die('Couldn\'t connect to '.$FTP_SERVER);

if(!ftp_login($conn_id, $FTP_USERNAME, $FTP_PASSWORD)) {
        die('Couldn\'t connect as '.$FTP_USERNAME);

ftp_chdir($conn_id, $FTP_LOGDIR);

$rawlist = ftp_rawlist($conn_id, '.');



and the output is this: 输出是这样的:


even though i know the directory isn't empty. 即使我知道目录不是空的。

When setting up the server these are the commands i used to install everything: 设置服务器时,这些是我用来安装所有内容的命令:

sudo yum install php
sudo yum install php-mysql
sudo yum install php-pear
sudo pear channel-discover pear.amazonwebservices.com
sudo pear install aws/sdk

I even opened all the ports for the security group but even then the output was still bool(false). 我甚至打开了安全组的所有端口,但即便如此,输出仍然是bool(false)。 And php -i shows that ftp is enabled. 而php -i显示ftp已启用。

Any help would be greatly appreciated, i have been racking my brain all day trying to figure this out. 任何帮助都将非常感激,我一整天都在绞尽脑汁试图解决这个问题。


ftp_pasv($conn_id, true);

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