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用于单独的移动和桌面网址的 Google Search Console Soft 404

[英]Google Search Console Soft 404 for separate mobile and desktop URLs

I have a webiste with two different URLs for mobile and desktop.我有一个网站,有两个不同的移动和桌面 URL。 I linked everything with canonical and alternate tags and updated my sitemap.xml.我将所有内容与规范和备用标签联系起来,并更新了我的 sitemap.xml。

But the Google Search Console keeps throwing " Soft 404 " Errors when testing most of the sites...但是谷歌搜索控制台在测试大多数网站时不断抛出“软404 ”错误......

Eg https://m.voyd.shop/kategorie/neu例如https://m.voyd.shop/kategorie/neu

The website automatically redirects the user to the desktop version, when the screen is wider than 700px.当屏幕宽度超过 700 像素时,网站会自动将用户重定向到桌面版本。

Anybody knows the reason?有人知道原因吗? There is definitely content and the URL did not change in month...肯定有内容,网址一个月没变...

EDIT : Some pictures for better understanding:编辑:一些图片以便更好地理解:

This is the result when checking for the desktop version of my website:这是检查我网站的桌面版本时的结果: 在此处输入图片说明

And this happens, when I apply for indexing the mobile version (Happens for weeks now...)当我申请将移动版本编入索引时,就会发生这种情况(现在已经发生了数周......) 在此处输入图片说明

My sitemap for mobile version can be found here: https://m.voyd.shop/sitemap.xml我的移动版站点地图可以在这里找到: https : //m.voyd.shop/sitemap.xml


I changed everything according to Kannan's answer, but I am still getting this message when trying to check the Live-URL:我根据 Kannan 的回答更改了所有内容,但是在尝试检查 Live-URL 时仍然收到此消息:


UPDATE 2: Just checked https://www.voyd.shop/kategorie/neu and still soft 404...更新 2:刚刚检查了https://www.voyd.shop/kategorie/neu并且仍然软 404 ...


When I tried curl --head on your desktop page (URL in your screenshot), your server returns a 308 (permanent redirect) to the www version.当我在您的桌面页面(屏幕截图中的 URL)上尝试curl --head时,您的服务器将308 (永久重定向)返回到www版本。

The desktop version of the URL that you are checking on Search Console is without www .您在 Search Console 上查看的桌面版网址没有www

Google has no idea about what content could have existed in non- www page (if at all) before you placed a redirect to the www page.在您重定向到www页面之前,Google 不知道www页面中可能存在哪些内容(如果有的话)。 Hence, the redirect will be treated as a one to non-equivalent page.因此,重定向将被视为一个到非等效的页面。 Thus you are receiving a soft 404.因此,您将收到软 404。

Regarding mobile issues, I am unable to spot any serious issue other than having canonical client rendered (If I observed it correctly).关于移动问题,除了呈现规范客户端之外,我无法发现任何严重问题(如果我观察正确的话)。 The rendered source shows the correct canonical.渲染的源显示了正确的规范。 The server-side rendered page (that Google sees at first) shows "undefined" in canonical.服务器端呈现的页面(谷歌首先看到的)在规范中显示“未定义”。 If that is the case, probably you should wait longer.如果是这种情况,您可能应该等待更长时间。 (Ref: A similar issue is being discussed here: Google showing static title instead of dynamically set javascript title ). (参考:这里正在讨论一个类似的问题: Google 显示静态标题而不是动态设置的 javascript 标题)。 Nevertheless, please make sure the canonical points to the www version.尽管如此,请确保规范指向www版本。

Note: Why don't you have a single sitemap, thus making things easier for Google.注意:为什么没有一个站点地图,从而使 Google 的工作更轻松。

Reference: https://developers.google.com/search/mobile-sites/mobile-seo/separate-urls#annotation-in-sitemaps参考: https : //developers.google.com/search/mobile-sites/mobile-seo/separate-urls#annotation-in-sitemaps


In the search console, just make sure that your property is (or includes) www version of your website.在搜索控制台中,只需确保您的资产是(或包括)您网站的www版本。 While checking URLs in the inspection bar, you would be checking www.在检查栏中检查 URL 时,您将检查www. prefixed ones.前缀的。

In sitemaps, update all desktop URLs with www.在站点地图中,使用www.更新所有桌面 URL www. prefix.字首。

Regarding sitemap location, one in the desktop folder alone will be sufficient.关于站点地图位置,仅在桌面文件夹中的一个就足够了。 (For details, please check the reference URL I have posted above) (详情请查看我上面贴出的参考网址)


In addition to the www issue (please check the first part of this answer), there seem to be more problems.除了www问题(请查看本回答的第一部分),似乎还有更多问题。 Now soft 404 is thrown for the www version (where technically a 200 is returned).现在为www版本抛出软 404(技术上返回 200)。 . .

Here are my observations: (These points should apply to the mobile version's soft 404 issues as well)以下是我的观察:(这些要点也适用于移动版的软 404 问题)

The main part of the content is rendered client-side.内容的主要部分在客户端呈现。 To check the same, I turned off JavaScript and refreshed the URL.为了检查相同的情况,我关闭了 JavaScript 并刷新了 URL。 (I blocked JS for the site in chrome://settings/content/javascript). (我在 chrome://settings/content/javascript 中阻止了该站点的 JS)。 Now all I can see are the menu and footer (general template content).现在我只能看到菜单和页脚(通用模板内容)。

Google can treat pages with minimal elements/content as soft 404s. Google 可以将元素/内容最少的页面视为软 404。 Reference: https://developers.google.com/search/docs/advanced/crawling/soft-404-errors#pageother参考: https : //developers.google.com/search/docs/advanced/crawling/soft-404-errors#pageother

I know Googlebot can process JavaScript, but the process can take time (sometimes in the order of weeks to months).我知道 Googlebot 可以处理 JavaScript,但这个过程可能需要一些时间(有时需要几周到几个月的时间)。 Reference: What are the SEO implications of an established website shifting from server-side rendering to client side?参考: 已建立的网站从服务器端渲染转移到客户端的 SEO 含义是什么?


Either you can wait or turn your implementation server-side (the most preferable solution in my view).您可以等待或将您的实现服务器端(在我看来是最可取的解决方案)。 Based on what I read, Next JS supports SSR - Server Side Rendering.根据我阅读的内容,Next JS 支持 SSR - 服务器端渲染。

My Doubt我的怀疑

Though I know Google takes a lot of time to process client-side rendered pages, I am unaware of whether Google will go to the extreme of treating the pages with minimal content at the initial crawl as soft 404s till its rendering process is complete.虽然我知道谷歌需要大量时间来处理客户端渲染的页面,但我不知道谷歌是否会极端地将初始抓取时内容最少的页面视为软 404,直到其渲染过程完成。 But from your case, it looks likely.但从你的情况来看,很有可能。 If you have the same doubt, you may post that as a separate question (important if you stick with client-side rendering).如果您有同样的疑问,您可以将其作为一个单独的问题发布(如果您坚持使用客户端渲染,这一点很重要)。

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