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[英]Extract file name from a path using regular expression

How can I extract the string "XMLFileName" from the below URL using regular expression 如何使用正则表达式从下面的URL中提取字符串“ XMLFileName”

var x = "C:\Documents and Settings\Dig\Desktop\XMLFileName.xml"

Thanks 谢谢

You could do it with split() , pop() and replace() ... 您可以使用split()pop()replace()来做到这一点...

var filename = x.split('\\').pop().replace(/\..+$/, '');

jsFiddle . jsFiddle

You could also use a single regex... 您也可以使用单个正则表达式...

var filename = x.replace(/.*\\|\..*$/g, '');

jsFiddle . jsFiddle

Ensure you escape the \\ in your string literal too. 确保在字符串文字中也转义\\

trivial 不重要的


of course you weren't very specific, so while this will work for your particular case, I'm not here to read your mind. 当然,您不是很专一,因此尽管这对您的特定情况适用,但我并不是想了解您的想法。

You can use: " [^\\\\]*$ " 您可以使用:“ [^\\\\]*$

but why not using regular javascript functions like indexOf() etc. 但为什么不使用常规的JavaScript函数,例如indexOf()等。

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