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[英]How do I multiply each member of an array by a scalar in javascript?


var a = [1, 2, 3] * 5;  // a should equal [5, 10, 15]

Array.map() is available to IE users as of IE9, so if you don't care about compatibility at all you can use this:从 IE9 开始,IE 用户可以使用Array.map() ,所以如果你根本不关心兼容性,你可以使用这个:

var a = [1, 2, 3].map(function(x) { return x * 5; });

For JavaScript 1.8, this is as short as you can go:对于 JavaScript 1.8,这是尽可能短的:

var a = [1, 2, 3].map(function(x) x * 5);

If you need maximal browser compatibility, you'll have to put up with a loop.如果您需要最大的浏览器兼容性,则必须忍受循环。

Either way you'll be iterating over the array;无论哪种方式,您都将遍历数组; Array.map() just makes it less obvious you're doing so. Array.map()只是让你这样做不那么明显。

In ECMAScript 6, you can use arrow functions :在 ECMAScript 6 中,您可以使用箭头函数

var a = [1, 2, 3];
var b = a.map(x => x * 5); // <-------

console.log(b);   // [5, 10, 15]

Arrow functions are syntactic sugar for an inline function with lexical this binding:箭头函数是具有词法this绑定的内联函数的语法糖

// ES6
let array2 = array1.map(x => x * 5);
// ES5
var array2 = array1.map((function (x) { return x * 5; }).bind(this));

Therefore, if you need to support Internet Explorer or other old browsers (Edge understands ES6) you can use babeljs or TypeScript in your project to cross-compile your code to ES5 syntax.因此,如果您需要支持Internet Explorer 或其他旧浏览器(Edge 理解 ES6),您可以在项目中使用babeljsTypeScript将您的代码交叉编译为 ES5 语法。

for(var i=0; i<a.length; i++) {
    a[i] *= 5;

Ecmascript 2016 (ES7) defines SIMD mathematics which allow to do multiplications like the one you desire faster and easier. Ecmascript 2016 (ES7) 定义了 SIMD 数学,它允许像您想要的那样更快、更轻松地进行乘法运算。 However, as of today there is very little browser support for SIMD (only Firefox nightly builds support this) [ 1 ], [ 2 ].然而,到今天为止,几乎没有浏览器支持 SIMD(只有 Firefox nightly build 支持)[ 1 ]、[ 2 ]。 This is how it will look like:这是它的样子:

var a = SIMD.Float32x4(1, 2, 3);
var b = SIMD.Float32x4(5, 5, 5);
SIMD.Float32x4.mul(a, b);  // Float32x4[5, 10, 15]

Until there will be widespread support for SIMD you'd have to resort to using map在广泛支持 SIMD 之前,您必须求助于使用 map

var a = [1, 2, 3].map(function(x) { return x * 5; });

which is nicely supported by all modern browsers [ 3 ].所有现代浏览器[ 3 ]都很好地支持它。

As stated in Docs :文档中所述:

The map() method creates a new array with the results of calling a provided function on every element in the calling array. map()方法创建一个新数组,其结果是在调用数组中的每个元素上调用提供的函数。

In my opinion, .map() is more suitable if someone wants to create a new array based on input values from the current array.在我看来,如果有人想根据当前数组的输入值创建一个新数组, .map()更合适。

However, if someone wants to modify the array in place, .forEach() seems a better choice.但是,如果有人想就地修改数组, .forEach()似乎是更好的选择。

In ES6 we may use:在 ES6 中,我们可以使用:

Following code will modify a given array arr in place (without creating a new one):以下代码将修改给定的数组arr (不创建新数组):

arr.forEach((value, index) => {arr[index] *= 5});


 var arr = [1, 2, 3]; var scalar = 5; arr.forEach((value, index) => { arr[index] *= scalar; }); console.log(arr);

You can use .map but you also have to create a new variable to throw the new values in:您可以使用 .map 但您还必须创建一个新变量以将新值放入:

var a = [1,2,3];

var b = a.map(function(x){
    return x * 5;

var a, i, ii, term;

a = [1,2,3];
term = 5;

for (i=0, ii=a.length; i<ii; i++) {
  a[i] = a[i] * term;

You can try this:你可以试试这个:

function scalarMultiply(arr, multiplier) {
   for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++)
      arr[i] *= multiplier;
   return arr;


var a = scalarMultiply([1, 2, 3], 5);

使用 Lodash 的 map 函数,这将返回原始数组a乘以常量5

_.map(a, function multiply(x) { return x * 5; });

I think it's not possible without iteration.我认为没有迭代是不可能的。

with iteration, here are the methods:通过迭代,以下是方法:

let a=[1,2,3,4] 


method 1:方法一:

a=a.map(e=>{return e*5})

method 2:方法二:


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