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[英]Creating HTML tags dynamically in code-behind

How can I add HTML tags to aspx file from the code-behind? 如何从代码隐藏中将HTML标记添加到aspx文件?

When I create new object 当我创建新对象时

Graph MyChart = new Graph();

I want it add a tag for this object 我想为它添加一个标签

<Graph id="MyChart" runat="server" Height="500px"></Graph>

What is the solution for that? 解决方案是什么?

Not sure if we are talking about a .NET control or HTML on the fly, I give examples of both. 不确定我们是否正在讨论.NET控件或HTML,我举两个例子。

This will add it to the end of the page, but I suggest you use a PlaceHolder to control where it gets added: 这会将它添加到页面的末尾,但我建议您使用PlaceHolder来控制添加位置:

Graph MyChart = new Graph();
MyChart.ID = "MyChart";

//genericcontrol example
HtmlGenericControl NewControl = new HtmlGenericControl("graph");

// Set the properties of the new HtmlGenericControl control.
NewControl.ID = "MyGraph";

PlaceHolder example: PlaceHolder示例:

 <form id="form1" runat="server">
      <h3>PlaceHolder Example</h3>
      <asp:PlaceHolder id="PlaceHolder1" 

  protected void Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e)
     Graph MyChart = new Graph();
     MyChart.ID = "MyChart";

    //genericcontrol example
    HtmlGenericControl NewControl = new HtmlGenericControl("graph");

    // Set the properties of the new HtmlGenericControl control.
    NewControl.ID = "MyGraph";


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