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[英]Pyside: Use button to copy text from qlineEdit to a label and to a string var

I'm trying to get a pyside button to copy text from a qlineEdit field to a label and to a string variable. 我试图得到一个pyside按钮,以将文本从qlineEdit字段复制到标签和字符串变量。 I have been through almost all of the Zetcode tutorials, but obviously I am missing something critical here. 我已经阅读了几乎所有的Zetcode教程,但是显然我在这里缺少一些重要的东西。 Be gentle, I'm a python newbie and a pyside newbie. 温柔一点,我是python新手和pyside新手。 I'm looking for more pyside tutorials. 我正在寻找更多的pyside教程。

I tried using my Qbutton to copy the text from the lineEdit, and then in a fit of desperation, I tried xxxxxxx 我尝试使用Qbutton从lineEdit复制文本,然后在绝望中尝试了xxxxxxx

Here's my code (any suggestions would be much appreciated, particularly with a link to where I can learn about what I needed to know): 这是我的代码(任何建议都将不胜感激,尤其是指向我可以了解我所需要知道的知识的链接):

Thank you for your help, Marc 谢谢您的帮助,马克

import sys
from PySide import QtGui, QtCore   

class Example(QtGui.QWidget):
    def __init__(self):
        super(Example, self).__init__()        

    def initUI(self):
        nu_prg_name_label = QtGui.QLabel('Program Name:')
        author_label = QtGui.QLabel('Author')

        qle = QtGui.QLineEdit(self)

        # I added the buttons 
        okButton = QtGui.QPushButton("OK")
        cancelButton = QtGui.QPushButton("Cancel")

        grid = QtGui.QGridLayout()

        # (arg__1, row, column, rowSpan, columnSpan[, alignment=0])
        grid.addWidget(nu_prg_name_label, 1, 0)
        grid.addWidget(author_label, 2, 0)
        grid.addWidget(qle, 1, 1, 1, 4)

        # I added the following 2 lines
        grid.addWidget(okButton, 3, 3)
        grid.addWidget(cancelButton, 3, 4)
        #grid.addWidget(review_label, 3, 0)

        # The QPushButton has a predefined 'signal' called 'clicked' 
        #   which is triggered every time that the button is pressed. 
        #   We will just 'connect' this signal to the sayHello() function:
        # Connect the button to the function

        #grid.addWidget(author_label, 2, 0)
        #grid.addWidget(author_LineEdit02, 2, 1)

        #grid.addWidget(review_label, 3, 0)
        #grid.addWidget(review_TextEdit, 3, 1, 5, 1)


        # Horizontal, vertical, width, length
        self.setGeometry(900, 300, 400, 100)
        self.setWindowTitle('Create Dirs [Info, TestArea, ItWorks] for a Program')    

    def onChanged(self, text):          
        nu_prg_name = self.qle.getText()
        print "Line 67: nu_prg_name = " + nu_prg_name   

    def sendtxt2_qle(self):
        nu_prg_name = self.grid.qle.getText()
        print "Line 72: nu_prg_name = " + nu_prg_name

def main():
    app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
    ex = Example()

if __name__ == '__main__':

There are several issues with the script you posted: 您发布的脚本存在几个问题:

  1. author_label and qle are referenced outside the initUI method, so they need to be replaced with self.author_label and self.qle wherever they are used. author_labelqle是在initUI方法之外引用的,因此无论在何处使用它们都需要用self.author_labelself.qle替换。
  2. The onChanged method tries to retrieve the line-edit text using the non-existent method getText . onChanged方法尝试使用不存在的方法getText来检索行编辑文本。 Use self.qle.text() , or, better still, use the text argument that is passed to the onChanged method by the textChanged signal. 使用self.qle.text() ,或者最好使用textChanged信号传递给onChanged方法的text参数。
  3. The sendtxt2_qle method has similar errors to (2), and also wrongly tries to reference qle and author_label as attributes of self.grid (which does not exist). sendtxt2_qle方法具有类似的错误,以(2),并且还错误地试图引用qleauthor_label它们的属性self.grid (不存在)。 See (1) for how to fix this. 有关如何解决此问题,请参见(1)。

Note: When I ran the amended version of you script, I got some corrupted output from the print statements. 注意:当我运行脚本的修订版时,我从打印语句中得到了一些损坏的输出。 This appears to be a bug in PySide, because the same script runs perfectly fine using PyQt4. 这似乎是PySide中的一个错误,因为使用PyQt4可以完全相同地运行脚本。 (I'm using PySide-1.09.) (我正在使用PySide-1.09。)

I realize this thread is necro but wanted to update for newer users. 我意识到该线程是死灵,但想为新用户进行更新。 The old os.path is now subprocess (import subprocess). 现在,旧的os.path是子进程(导入子进程)。

Ran into this problem myself trying to pass QString to a subprocess call and stumbled on the answer. 我自己尝试将QString传递给子进程调用并偶然发现了答案,就遇到了这个问题。

Use str(object.displayText()) to convert Qstring to String. 使用str(object.displayText())将Qstring转换为String。

string = str(self.lineEdit.displayText())   
print string

the following is how I implemented the helpful answer from ekhumoro: 以下是我如何实施ekhumoro的有用答案:

        This script creates a new set of directories for a program/software.  The directories 
    will include an info-directory, and MarcsPrgs-directories [ItWorks, TestArea] 
    where I will develop utilities/programs to work in that program/software. 

        This script also creates a 'hyperlink_doc_string', which will be implanted
    into the office's html menu page.

    import os, sys, shutil #win32clipboard, win32con, 
    import re, string, traceback, pdb #easygui, 
    from PyQt4 import QtGui
    from PyQt4 import QtCore
    import win32clipboard
    import time
    import subprocess

    def create_Html(nu_prg_name):
        This function creates a set of hyperlinks to the new directories.  The hyperlinks will
        1)  appear in the Qt dialog window, 
            which is generated (below) by: 'class Example(QtGui.QWidget)'
        2)  be added to an html page

        if len(nu_prg_name) == 0:
            print 'Error message fr "def create_dirs_and_Html(nu_prg_name)": ' \
                + ' The variable "nu_prg_name" is empty.' 

        hyperlink_doc_string = r'<a href="P:\Data\VB' + '\\' + nu_prg_name + '_Info' + '\\">' + nu_prg_name + '_Info</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' \
            + '\n' + r'<a href="M:' + '\\' + nu_prg_name + '\">M-drv_Dir</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;' \
            + '\n' + r'<a href="P:\Data\VB' + '\\' + nu_prg_name + r'_Info\URLs' + '\\">' + nu_prg_name + r'_URLs</a><br />' \
            + '\n' + r'<a href="P:\Data\VB' + '\\' + nu_prg_name + r'_MarcsPrgs' + '\\">' + nu_prg_name + r'_MarcsPrgs</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;' \
            + '\n' + r'<a href="P:\Data\VB' + '\\' + nu_prg_name + r'_MarcsPrgs' + '\\' + nu_prg_name + r'_TestArea' + '\\">' + nu_prg_name + '_TestArea</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;' \
            + '\n' + r'<a href="P:\Data\VB' + '\\' + nu_prg_name + r'_MarcsPrgs' + '\\' + nu_prg_name + r'_ItWorks' + '\\">' + nu_prg_name + '_ItWorks</a>' \
            + '<br />\n'

        print "Line 38: " + hyperlink_doc_string + '\n\n'


        ## Send the hyperlink_doc_string to the Windows clipboard 
        ## (this is a temporary solution; later I'll have the script add it directly to the ToolbarB)
        # win32clipboard.OpenClipboard()
        # win32clipboard.EmptyClipboard()
        # win32clipboard.SetClipboardText(hyperlink_doc_string)
        # win32clipboard.CloseClipboard()

        # pdb.set_trace()

        The next line sends the hyperlink_doc_string to the dialog box, wherein 
        the hyperlink_doc_string will be viewed.  If the hyperlink_doc_string 
        is approved, the user will click the 'OK' button, which calls 
        ex's internal function 'makeDirsAndHtml_ok'.  
        The 'makeDirsAndHtml_ok' function calls sequentially the following two
           [1] 'create_Html(self.nu_prg_name_var)', and [2] 'create_dirs(nu_prg_name)'




        # TODO:  Add code that will implant the 'hyperlink_doc_string' into the office's html menu

    # pdb.set_trace()# commands are n (next); c (continue); s (step thru)
    #                print(var)

        # create_dirs(nu_prg_name)

    def writeHTML2file(hyperlink_doc_string, nu_prg_name):
        # Save the hyperlink_doc_string to a file so that I can paste it into Toolbar B.
        print 'Line 78: \nhyperlink_doc_string = ' + hyperlink_doc_string + '\n\n' \
            'nu_prg_name = ' + nu_prg_name 
        tmp_filename = 'tmp_' + nu_prg_name + '_' + str(time.time()) + '.txt'
        tmp_filename = r"C:\Apps\E_drive" + '\\' + tmp_filename
        fileobj = open(tmp_filename, 'w')

    def create_dirs(nu_prg_name):
        This function creates a new set of directories for a program/software.  The directories 
        will include an info-directory, and MarcsPrgs-directories [ItWorks, TestArea] 
        where I will develop utilities/programs to work in that program/software. 

        Archive_dot_Rar_file_FULLName = r"K:\data\FORMS\File folder setup forms\SAVE.and.Put.nothing.in.this.RarArchive.rar"

        TopDir = r"P:\Data\VB"

        hyperlink_doc_ls = ['M_drv_Dir', 'URLs']

        dirlist = ['_Info', '_MarcsPrgs', '_TestArea', '_ItWorks']

        numasterpath = TopDir + "\\" + nu_prg_name

        dir_pathlist = dirlist[:]

        for i in range(2):
            dir_pathlist[i] = numasterpath + str(dir_pathlist[i])

        for i in range(2, 4):
            dir_pathlist[i] = str(dir_pathlist[1]) + "\\" + nu_prg_name + str(dir_pathlist[i])

        # TO DO :   CREATE A DIR FOR URLs

        print '\n' + 'Line 60: ' + str(dir_pathlist) + '\n'

        itms2chkexistence = [Archive_dot_Rar_file_FULLName, dir_pathlist[0], dir_pathlist[1]] # TopDir and numasterpath may be effectively

        i = 0

        int_dirs_whShd_not_exist = 2

        if 1 == 1:

            for item in itms2chkexistence:
                # check to determine if critical items exist
                #  i.e., [0]=Archive_dot_Rar_file_FULLName, and [2]=TopDir
                if i < 1: # Verify that these exist:  [0]=Archive_dot_Rar_file_FULLName, and [2]=TopDir
                    if os.path.exists(item):
                    elif os.path.isfile(item):
                        print 'Error message from Line 79 of "' + str(os.argv[0]) + ':\n"' \
                            + item + '" does not exist. ' \
                            + 'This script will now terminate.'

                if i > 0: 

                    #Verify that the following 2 dirs do NOT exist: 1) ' + nu_prg_name + '_Info   2) ' + nu_prg_name + '_MarcsPrgs
                    #    because we don't want to over-write .rar files, or other things.

                    if os.path.exists(item):
                        print 'Line 90:  Error!  "' + item + '" already exists.  ' + \
                        'This script will now terminate.'
        #                quit()

                        print 'Line 95: int_dirs_whShd_not_exist (' + str(item) + \
                            ') = ' + str(int_dirs_whShd_not_exist)

                    if os.path.isfile(item):
                        print 'Line 100:  Error!  "' + item + '" is a file that already exists.  ' + \
                        'This script will now terminate.'

                        print 'Line 105: int_dirs_whShd_not_exist (' + str(item) + \
                            ') = ' + str(int_dirs_whShd_not_exist)

                        int_dirs_whShd_not_exist = int_dirs_whShd_not_exist - 1

                        print 'Line 110: int_dirs_whShd_not_exist (' + str(item) + \
                            ') = ' + str(int_dirs_whShd_not_exist)
                i +=1

            print 'Line 114: int_dirs_whShd_not_exist = ' + str(int_dirs_whShd_not_exist)

            # Above, we verified that that the following 2 dirs do NOT exist: 
            #        1) ' + nu_prg_name + '_Info   2) ' + nu_prg_name + '_MarcsPrgs
            #    But I don't want to reprogram this, so I'll just check again.

            nuRars = [str(dir + '\\Archive.Nu.rar') for dir in dir_pathlist]
            print 'Line 122:  "str(nuRars) = "' + '\n\t' + str(nuRars) 


            if int_dirs_whShd_not_exist == 0:

                print 'Success Message from Line 128 of "' + str(sys.argv[0]) + '":\n' \
                    + 'dir_pathlist = ' + '\n\t' + str(dir_pathlist) + '\n\n' \
                    + 'nuRars = ' + '\n\t' + str(nuRars) 

                path2open = '"' + str(dir_pathlist[0]) + '"' 
                print 'Line 191: path2open = ' + dir_pathlist[0] 


                [os.mkdir(dir) for dir in dir_pathlist]
                print 'ERROR!  Line 134:  "int_dirs_whShd_not_exist" <> 0 '

            print 'Success Message from Line 138 of "' + str(sys.argv[0]) + '":\n' \
                    + str(dir_pathlist) + '\n\n'

            # pdb.set_trace()  
            for nurarfile in nuRars:
                print 'Line 143: nurarfile = ' + str(nurarfile) + '\n' \
                    + 'Archive_dot_Rar_file_FULLName = ' + str(Archive_dot_Rar_file_FULLName) \
                    + '\n\n'
                shutil.copyfile(Archive_dot_Rar_file_FULLName, str(nurarfile))
            #[shutil.copyfile(Archive_dot_Rar_file_FULLName, nurarfile) for nurarfile in nuRars]

            # Verify success of job...
            for rarAchiveFile in nuRars:
                # check to determine if critical items exist
                if os.path.exists(rarAchiveFile):
                    print "Error!  " + Archive_dot_Rar_file_FULLName + "does not exist.  " + \
                    "The scriptfailed.  I don't know why.  This script will now terminate."

            cmdline = r'explorer /select, ' + path2open

            strMsgBoxMsg = "Success!  All directories and Rar Archive files have been created.\t" + \
            "Job done!"

            os.system(r"C:\Apps\UtilitiesByMarc\MessageBoxe_SAVE_.vbs" + ' "' + strMsgBoxMsg + '"')
            print strMsgBoxMsg

    class Example(QtGui.QWidget):

        def __init__(self):
            super(Example, self).__init__()


        def initUI(self):

            self.nu_prg_name_label = QtGui.QLabel('Program Name:')
            self.author_label = QtGui.QLabel('')

            self.qle = QtGui.QLineEdit(self)
            #self.qle.textChanged[str].connect(self.onChanged) #This line worked fine, i think.

            # I added the buttons 
            self.testButton = QtGui.QPushButton("Test")
            self.okButton = QtGui.QPushButton("OK")
            self.cancelButton = QtGui.QPushButton("Cancel")

            grid = QtGui.QGridLayout()

            # (arg__1, row, column, rowSpan, columnSpan[, alignment=0])
            grid.addWidget(self.nu_prg_name_label, 1, 0)
            grid.addWidget(self.author_label, 2, 0)
            grid.addWidget(self.qle, 1, 1, 1, 4)

            # I added the following 3 lines
            grid.addWidget(self.testButton, 3, 2)
            grid.addWidget(self.okButton, 3, 3)
            grid.addWidget(self.cancelButton, 3, 4)
            #grid.addWidget(review_label, 3, 0)

            # The QPushButton has a predefined 'signal' called 'clicked' 
            #   which is triggered every time that the button is pressed. 
            #   We will just 'connect' this signal to the sayHello() function:
            # Connect the button to the function
            # qbtn.clicked.connect(QtCore.QCoreApplication.instance().quit)

            #grid.addWidget(author_label, 2, 0)
            #grid.addWidget(author_LineEdit02, 2, 1)

            #grid.addWidget(review_label, 3, 0)
            #grid.addWidget(review_TextEdit, 3, 1, 5, 1)


            # Horizontal, vertical, width, length
            #self.setGeometry(10, 300, 400, 100)
            self.setGeometry(10, 300, 400, 100)
            self.setWindowTitle('Create Dirs [Info, TestArea, ItWorks] for a Program')    

            self.bln_you_saw_test_results = False

        def resize_win2hold_html(self):

            # Horizontal, vertical, width, length
            #self.setGeometry(10, 20, 800, 800)
            self.setGeometry(10, 300, 400, 150)
            self.setWindowTitle('Create Dirs [Info, TestArea, ItWorks] for a Program')    

        def onChanged(self, text):

            self.nu_prg_name_var = self.qle.text()
            #print "Line 224: nu_prg_name_var = " + self.nu_prg_name_var

        def sendtxt2_qle_test(self, HtmlStr="HTML"):
            self.bln_you_saw_test_results = True
            self.nu_prg_name_var = self.qle.text()
            # os.system(r"C:\Apps\UtilitiesByMarc\MessageBoxe_SAVE_.vbs" + ' "' + 'Line 122 in sendtxt2_qle_test' + '"')

            if HtmlStr == False:

            if HtmlStr:
                self.msge = HtmlStr
                writeHTML2file(HtmlStr, self.nu_prg_name_var)
            #print "Line 242: nu_prg_name_var = " + self.nu_prg_name_var

        def makeDirsAndHtml_ok(self):
            if self.bln_you_saw_test_results == False:
                strMsgBoxMsg = 'You should try the "Test" button before you hit the "Ok" button.'
                os.system(r"C:\Apps\UtilitiesByMarc\MessageBoxe_SAVE_.vbs" + ' "' + strMsgBoxMsg + '"')
                print strMsgBoxMsg
                self.nu_prg_name_var = self.qle.text()
            #print "Line 282: nu_prg_name_var = " + self.nu_prg_name_var

        def callMsgBoxFromOutsideThisClass(self):
            # strCmdLine = r"C:\Apps\UtilitiesByMarc\MessageBoxe_SAVE_.vbs" + ' "Hello from Line 137"'

    def main():    
        app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
        ex = Example()

    if __name__ == '__main__':
        app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
        ex = Example()

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