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[英]Extract data from NamingEnumeration

My application searches an LDAP server for people. 我的应用程序在LDAP服务器中搜索人员。

return ldapTemplate.search("", "(objectclass=person)", new AttributesMapper() {
      public Object mapFromAttributes(Attributes attrs) 
                                                     throws NamingException {

        return attrs.get("cn").getAll();

It returns list of NamingEnumeration object, which contains vectors in it. 它返回NamingEnumeration对象的列表,其中包含向量。 Each vector may contain one or more values. 每个向量可以包含一个或多个值。 I can print person names by this code 我可以通过此代码打印人名

for(NamingEnumeration ne : list){
  while (ne.hasMore()) {
      System.out.println("name is : " + ne.next().toString());

As my ldap search can contain mutiple values so that comes in vector inside NamingEnumeration object. 由于我的ldap搜索可以包含多个值,因此它位于NamingEnumeration对象内的向量中。 How can I get multiple values out of it. 如何从中获取多个值。

As you are using a java.util.List of javax.naming.NamingEnumeration<java.util.Vector> such as this, 当您使用javax.naming.NamingEnumeration<java.util.Vector>java.util.List ,如此

List<NamingEnumeration<Vector>> list

You should be able to iterate over the Vector in each NamingEnumeration : 您应该能够在每个NamingEnumeration迭代Vector

for (NamingEnumeration<Vector> ne : list) {
    while (ne.hasMore()) {
        Vector vector = ne.next();
        for (Object object : vector) {

Note that Vector is considered by many to be obsolescent, although not deprecated. 请注意,许多人认为Vector已过时,但并未弃用。 Also, the enclosed collection could use a type parameter. 此外,封闭的集合可以使用类型参数。 If you have a choice, consider one of these alternatives: 如果您有选择,请考虑以下替代方案之一:


While iterating a list using the for syntax introduced with Java5 使用Java5引入的for语法迭代列表时

You shouldn't call hasMore() 你不应该调用hasMore()

for(NamingEnumeration ne : list){   
    System.out.println("name is : " + ne.toString());     

In case your list does not support the Iterator interface you need to use the old form: 如果您的列表不支持Iterator接口,则需要使用旧表单:

for ( Enumeration e = v.elements() ; e.hasMoreElements() ; ) {
    String a = (String) e.nextElement();
    System.out.println( a );

This code snippet will do the work for unknown attribute names and single or multiple values (such as multiple object classes): 此代码段将处理未知属性名称以及单个或多个值(例如多个对象类):

Using spring-ldap 2.3.1 and AttributesMapper implementation: 使用spring-ldap 2.3.1AttributesMapper实现:

<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.springframework.ldap/spring-ldap-core -->

In this sample code the searchResultList contains all entries, each one is represented as a map of attributes (with one or more values): 在此示例代码中,searchResultList包含所有条目,每个条目都表示为属性映射(具有一个或多个值):

List<Map<String, List<String>>> searchResultList = sourceLdapTemplate.search(searchBase, filter.encode(), SearchControls.ONELEVEL_SCOPE, new AttributesMapper<Map<String, List<String>>>() {
            public Map<String, List<String>> mapFromAttributes(Attributes attributes) throws NamingException {
                Map<String, List<String>> attrsMap = new HashMap<>();
                NamingEnumeration<String> attrIdEnum = attributes.getIDs();
                while (attrIdEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
                    // Get attribute id:
                    String attrId = attrIdEnum.next();
                    // Get all attribute values:
                    Attribute attr = attributes.get(attrId);
                    NamingEnumeration<?> attrValuesEnum = attr.getAll();
                    while (attrValuesEnum.hasMore()) {
                        if (!attrsMap.containsKey(attrId))
                            attrsMap.put(attrId, new ArrayList<String>()); 
                return attrsMap;

Now, working with the searchResultList looks like this: 现在,使用searchResultList看起来像这样:

for (Map<String, List<String>> attrsMap : searchResultList) {
    for (String objectClass : m.get("objectClass")) {
        // do something with this objectClass...

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