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[英]JUnit parameterized Tests Getting the parameter after the test

So here's my dilemma. 所以这是我的难题。 I have been using Selenium, TestNG, and iText to generate nice PDF reports from the results of an automated Test run, but I was told recently that they didn't want competing libraries TestNG vs. JUnit, and was told to start using JUnit instead. 我一直在使用Selenium,TestNG和iText从自动测试运行的结果中生成漂亮的PDF报告,但是最近有人告诉我他们不想要竞争的库TestNG vs. JUnit,并被告知开始使用JUnit。 。

I am running these JUnit tests with parameters, and am wondering is there a way to access the parameter after/during the test run? 我正在使用参数运行这些JUnit测试,并且想知道是否可以在测试运行之后/期间访问参数? The parameters are Strings with browser names which is used to tell selenium which WebDriver to get, and it would be nice to know that a test passed/failed in a certain browser. 参数是带有浏览器名称的字符串,用于告诉selenium要获取哪个WebDriver,并且很高兴知道测试在某个浏览器中通过/失败。 JUnit seems to be very limited in the information you can access once a test run completes. 测试运行完成后,您可以访问JUnit的信息似乎非常有限。

I have a class which extends junit.framework.TestListener which listens for the start/stop of each test, and here is where I can gather information about the test. 我有一个扩展junit.framework.TestListener的类,它侦听每个测试的开始/停止,在这里我可以收集有关测试的信息。

currentTest is of type BaseTestResult which is a class I wrote that simply stores test results in a list. currentTest的类型为BaseTestResult ,这是我编写的仅将测试结果存储在列表中的类。

import junit.framework.AssertionFailedError;
import junit.framework.Test;
import junit.framework.TestListener;
import junit.framework.TestResult;
import utilities.reporting.BaseReporting;
import utilities.reporting.BaseTestResult;
import utilities.reporting.ResultsPerSuite;

public class BaseListener implements TestListener {

    private ResultsPerSuite resultsPerSuite;
    private BaseReporting baseReporter;
    private BaseTestResult currentSuite;
    private BaseTestResult currentTest;
    private long startTime;
    private long endTime;
    private long suiteStartTime;
    private long suiteEndTime;

    public BaseListener() {
        baseReporter = new BaseReporting();
        resultsPerSuite = new ResultsPerSuite();
        currentTest = new BaseTestResult(null, null);

    public void startSuite(Test suite) {
        suiteStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        currentSuite = new BaseTestResult(suite);

    public void startTest(Test arg0) {
        startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        currentTest = new BaseTestResult(arg0);     

    public void addError(Test arg0, Throwable arg1) {
        currentTest.addError(new BaseTestResult(arg0, arg1));


    public void addFailure(Test arg0, AssertionFailedError arg1) {
        currentTest.addFailed(new BaseTestResult(arg0, arg1));


    public void endTest(Test arg0) {
        endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        currentTest.setRuntime(startTime - endTime);
        // If both empty, then test passed, so add to passed results.
        if (currentTest.getFailed().isEmpty()
                && currentTest.getErrors().isEmpty()) {
        } else {

    public void endSuite(TestResult testEventDriver) {
        suiteEndTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        currentSuite.setRuntime(suiteEndTime - suiteStartTime);



     * @return the allTestResults
    public ResultsPerSuite getAllTestResults() {
        return resultsPerSuite;


I am not sure how to get it to do what you are looking for trivially from inside of the TestListener without creating your own Runner . 我不确定如何在不创建自己的Runner情况下从TestListener内部简单地完成它的工作。 But you might be able to handle it with a TestRule . 但是您可以使用TestRule处理它。

Since you appear to be using the listener to send the results to an external service, you might have better luck specifically by rigging in a TestWatcher that communicates with your own listener. 由于您似乎正在使用侦听器将结果发送到外部服务,因此,特别是通过装配与您自己的侦听器进行通信的TestWatcher ,可能会更好。 It would have access to the local class member variables and could report on them fairly easily. 它可以访问本地类成员变量,并且可以很容易地报告它们。

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