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[英]How do I move a relative symbolic link?

I have a lot of relative symbolic links that I want to move to another directory.我有很多我想移动到另一个目录的相对符号链接。

How can I move symbolic links (those with a relative path) while preserving the right path?如何在保留正确路径的同时移动符号链接(具有相对路径的链接)?

You can turn relative paths into full paths using readlink -f foo .您可以使用readlink -f foo将相对路径转换为完整路径。 So you would do something like:所以你会做这样的事情:

ln -s $(readlink -f $origlink) $newlink
rm $origlink


I noticed that you wish to keep the paths relative.我注意到您希望保持路径相对。 In this case, after you move the link, you can use symlinks -c to convert the absolute paths back into relative paths.在这种情况下,移动链接后,您可以使用symlinks -c将绝对路径转换回相对路径。

This is a perl solution that preserves relative paths:这是一个保留相对路径的perl解决方案:

use strictures;
use File::Copy qw(mv);
use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions);
use Path::Class qw(file);
use autodie qw(:all GetOptions mv);

my $target;
GetOptions('target-directory=s' => \$target);
die "$0 -t target_dir symlink1 symlink2 symlink3\n" unless $target && -d $target;

for (@ARGV) {
    unless (-l $_) {
        warn "$_ is not a symlink\n";
    my $newlink = file(readlink $_)->relative($target)->stringify;
    unlink $_;
    symlink $newlink, $_;
    mv $_, $target;

One can use tar to move a folder containing relative symbolic links.可以使用tar移动包含相对符号链接的文件夹。

For example:例如:

cd folder_to_move/..
tar czvf files.tgz folder_to_move
cd dest_folder/..
tar xzvf /absolute/path/to/folder_to_move/../files.tgz

# If all is fine, clean-up
rm /absolute/path/to/folder_to_move/../files.tgz
rm -rf /absolute/path/to/folder_to_move

Improving on Christopher Neylan's answer:改进 Christopher Neylan 的回答:

~/bin $ cat mv_ln
# inspired by https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8523159/how-do-i-move-a-relative-symbolic-link#8523293
#          by Christopher Neylan

help() {
   echo 'usage: mv_ln src_ln dest_dir'
   echo '       mv_ln --help'
   echo '  Move the symbolic link src_ln into dest_dir while'
   echo '  keeping it relative'
   exit 1

[ "$1" == "--help" ] || [ ! -L "$1" ] || [ ! -d "$2" ] && help

set -e # exit on error

orig_name=$( basename    "$orig_link" )
orig_dest=$( readlink -f "$orig_link" )

ln -r -s "$orig_dest" "$dest_dir/$orig_name"
rm "$orig_link"

This is also part of https://github.com/tpo/little_shell_scripts这也是https://github.com/tpo/little_shell_scripts 的一部分

Use ln of course:当然使用ln

for i in *; do # or whatever pattern you're wanting to match
    ln -sr "$(readlink "$i")" newdir/"$i";

I was surprised this works, but LN(1) must be smart enough to take note of what's going on and help you out!我很惊讶这行得通,但LN(1)必须足够聪明才能注意到正在发生的事情并帮助你! I even tried it with a "newdir" of ../somethingelse (which should be a no-op in the link re-writing) and .. (which will remove a .. from the link target), and it worked wonderfully.我什至用../somethingelse的“newdir”(这应该是链接重写中的无操作)和.. (这将从链接目标中删除..来尝试它,并且它工作得非常好。

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