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[英]Search for a substring between special character in a string

I have a string like 我有一个字符串


How can I search ${abc} and ${xyz} and replace with another strings. 如何搜索$ {abc}$ {xyz}并替换为另一个字符串。 There can be any number of occurence of such substrings ie${abc} in main string. 主字符串中可以出现任意数量的此类子字符串,即$ {abc}。 I was thinking of string.indexOf( but that could be messy. Any best approach? 我当时在想string.indexOf(但这可能是一团糟。任何最佳方法?

${abc} will be replaced by another string abc. $ {abc}将被另一个字符串abc替换。 I will get them from some other parameters. 我将从其他一些参数中获取它们。

You need to escape special characters ( $ , { , } ). 您需要转义特殊字符( ${} )。 Try this: 尝试这个:


This can be weird but can help you out: 这可能很奇怪,但可以帮助您:

str = str.substring(str.indexOf("${")+2, str.indexOf("}"))

This will work for all (any number of) strings between ${ and } . 这适用于${}之间的所有(任意数量)字符串。

I would use String.indexOf(String sep, int start) in a loop repeatedly to copy text and values to a StringBuilder. 我会在循环中反复使用String.indexOf(String sep, int start)将文本和值复制到StringBuilder。

Something like 就像是

public static void main(String... args) throws IOException {
    Map<String, String> map = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    map.put("abc", "ABC");
    map.put("xyz", "XYZ");
    printSubstitue("nothing to change", map);
    printSubstitue("(&(objectclass=${abc})(uid=${xyz})(cn=${cn})(special='${'))", map);

private static void printSubstitue(String text, Map<String, String> map) {
    String text2 = subtitue(text, map);
    System.out.println("substitue( "+text+", "+map+" ) = "+text2);

public static String subtitue(String template, Map<String, String> map) {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    int prev = 0;
    for (int start, end; (start = template.indexOf("${", prev)) > 0; prev = end + 1) {
        sb.append(template.substring(prev, start));
        end = template.indexOf('}', start + 2);
        if (end < 0) {
            prev = start;
        String key = template.substring(start + 2, end);
        String value = map.get(key);
        if (value == null) {
            sb.append(template.substring(start, end + 1));
        } else {

    return sb.toString();

prints 版画

substitue( nothing to change, {abc=ABC, xyz=XYZ} ) = nothing to change
substitue( (&(objectclass=${abc})(uid=${xyz})(cn=${cn})(special='${')), {abc=ABC, xyz=XYZ} ) 
     = (&(objectclass=ABC)(uid=XYZ)(cn=${cn})(special='${'))

It gets messy if you want to support nested ${ } values. 如果您想支持嵌套的${ }值,则会变得混乱。 ;) ;)



I would suggest you keep it simple if you can. 如果可以的话,我建议您保持简单。 ;) ;)

The regex you need is \\$\\{[^}]+\\} . 您需要的正则表达式为\\$\\{[^}]+\\} Replace with whatever is necessary. 替换为必要的东西。

edit: OK, I misunderstood the question. 编辑:好的,我误解了这个问题。 Regex fixed. 正则表达式固定。

A regex like this works: 像这样的正则表达式有效:

String regex = "(\\$\\{YOUR_TOKEN_HERE\\})";

Here is an example of usage: 以下是一个用法示例:

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    String[] lines = {

    String token = "abc"; // or whatever

    String regex = String.format("(\\$\\{%s\\})", token);
    Pattern p = Pattern.compile(regex);
    for (String s: lines) {
        Matcher m = p.matcher(s);
        if (m.find()) {

Output for token = "abc" is: 令牌=“ abc”的输出是:


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