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[英]Perl: Using the flip flop function and extracting data from within the block read

I have an array called @mytitles which contains a lot of titles such as, say, title1 , title2 and so on. 我有一个名为@mytitles的数组,其中包含很多标题,例如title1title2等。 I have a file called " Superdataset " which has information pertaining to each title. 我有一个名为“ Superdataset ”的文件,其中包含与每个标题有关的信息。 However, the info related to title1 may be of 6 lines while the info for title2 may be 30 lines (its random). 但是,与title1相关的信息可能为6行,而title2的信息可能为30行(随机)。 Each piece of information (for a titlex ) starts with " Reading titlex " and ends with " Done reading titlex ". 每条信息(对于titlex )以“ Reading titlex ”开头,以“ Done reading titlexDone reading titlex

From these lines of information of each title, I need to extract some data. 从每个标题的这些信息行中,我需要提取一些数据。 I think its lucky that this data I need is in the 2 lines just before " Done reading titlex " each time 我很幸运,我每次需要的数据都在“ Done reading titlex ”之前的2行中

So my " Superdataset " looks like: 所以我的“ Superdataset ”看起来像:

Reading title1  
 random info line1
 random info line2
 random info line3
 random info line4
 random info line5
 my earnings are 6000
 my expenses are 1000
Done reading title1
Reading title2
 random info line6
 random info line7
 random info line8
 random info line9
 random info line10
 random info line11
 random info line12
 random info line13
 random info line14
 my earnings are 11000
 my expenses are 9000
Done reading title2

I need a total sum of expenses and a total sum of earnings. 我需要支出总额和收入总额。 Any suggestions? 有什么建议么? PS-the array has complicated names, not something as simple as titlex PS-数组具有复杂的名称,不像titlex那样简单

Here is a first pass at slurping the data into a usable form. 这是将数据抽取成可用形式的第一步。

use warnings;
use strict;
use autodie;

my $input_filename = 'example';
open my $input, '<', $input_filename;
my %data;
  my $current_title;

    if( /^Reading (.*?)\s*$/ ){ # start of section
      $current_title = $1;
    }elsif( not defined $current_title ){ # outside of any section
      # invalid data
    }elsif( /^Done reading (.*)/ ){ # end of section
      die if $1 ne $current_title;
      $current_title = undef;
    }else{ # add an element of section to array
      push @{ $data{$current_title} }, $_;
close $input;

Using the created data structure to determine the total earnings, and expenses. 使用创建的数据结构确定总收入和费用。

my( $earnings, $expenses );
for my $list( values %data ){
  for( @$list ){
    if( /earnings are (\d+)/ ){
      $earnings += $1;
    }elsif( /expenses are (\d+)/ ){
      $expenses += $1;

print "earnings $earnings\n";
print "expenses $expenses\n";

To instead print it out in a form more useful to a computer. 而是以对计算机更有用的形式打印出来。

use YAML 'Dump';
print Dump \%data;
  - ' random info line1'
  - ' random info line2'
  - ' random info line3'
  - ' random info line4'
  - ' random info line5'
  - ' my earnings are 6000'
  - ' my expenses are 1000'
  - ' random info line6'
  - ' random info line7'
  - ' random info line8'
  - ' random info line9'
  - ' random info line10'
  - ' random info line11'
  - ' random info line12'
  - ' random info line13'
  - ' random info line14'
  - ' my earnings are 11000'
  - ' my expenses are 9000'

Using the 'range' operator you could do: 使用“范围”运算符,您可以执行以下操作:

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
my $begin_stanza = qr/^Reading/i;
my $endof_stanza = qr/^Done reading/i;
my ( $title, @lines );
my ( $value, $total_earnings, $total_expenses );
while (<DATA>) {
    if ( m{$begin_stanza} .. m{$endof_stanza} ) {
        if ( m{$begin_stanza\s+(.+)} ) {
            $title = $1;
            @lines = ();
        if ( m{$endof_stanza} ) {
            ($value) = ( $lines[0] =~ m{(\d+)} );
            $total_earnings += $value;
            ($value) = ( $lines[1] =~ m{(\d+)} );
            $total_expenses += $value;
            print join "\n", $title, @lines, "\n";
        shift @lines if @lines == 2;
        push  @lines, $_;
printf "Total Earnings = %7d\n", $total_earnings;
printf "Total Expenses = %7d\n", $total_expenses;
Reading title1
 random info line1
 random info line2
 random info line3
 random info line4
 random info line5
 my earnings are 6000
 my expenses are 1000
Done reading title1
Reading title2
 random info line6
 random info line7
 random info line8
 random info line9
 random info line10
 random info line11
 random info line12
 random info line13
 random info line14
 my earnings are 11000
 my expenses are 9000
Done reading title2

...which yields: ...产生:

 my earnings are 6000
 my expenses are 1000

 my earnings are 11000
 my expenses are 9000

Total Earnings =   17000
Total Expenses =   10000

Unless you can predict what the line before the relevant lines are, the flip-flop operator won't do much good by way of optimization. 除非您能预测相关行之前的行,否则触发器运算符不会通过优化来做很多事情。 I think it would be easier to work with a buffer array and just match for the line after the earnings and expenses. 我认为使用缓冲区数组并仅匹配收入和支出之后的行会更容易。

use strict;
use warnings;

my @buffer;
my ($earnings, $expenses);

for my $line (<DATA>) {
    shift @buffer if @buffer > 2;
    push @buffer, $line;

    next if $line !~ /^Done reading/;

    $earnings += $1 if $buffer[0] =~ /(\d+)$/;
    $expenses += $1 if $buffer[1] =~ /(\d+)$/;
print "Total earnings: $earnings\n";
print "Total expenses: $expenses\n";

Reading title1  
 random info line1
 random info line2
 random info line3
 random info line4
 random info line5
 my earnings are 6000
 my expenses are 1000
Done reading title1
Reading title2
 random info line6
 random info line7
 random info line8
 random info line9
 random info line10
 random info line11
 random info line12
 random info line13
 random info line14
 my earnings are 11000
 my expenses are 9000
Done reading title2

Output: 输出:

Total earnings: 17000
Total expenses: 10000

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