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[英]Why there is no dead-lock in the following thread-safe stack implementation?

#include <exception>
struct empty_stack: std::exception
    const char* what() const throw();
template<typename T>
class thread_safe_stack
    std::stack<T> data;
    mutable std::mutex m;
    stack(const stack& other)
        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(other.m);
    stack& operator=(const stack&) = delete;
    void push(T new_value)
        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m);
    std::shared_ptr<T> pop()
        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m);
        if(data.empty()) throw empty_stack(); 
            std::shared_ptr<T> const res(new T(data.top()); 
        return res;
    void pop(T& value)
        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m); // #1
        if(data.empty()) throw empty_stack();
    bool empty() const
        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m);
        return data.empty();

Question How can the data.empty() return in the following statement, 问题 data.empty()如何在以下语句中返回,

if(data.empty()) throw empty_stack();

given the void pop(T& value) has locked the mutex already #1 . 给定void pop(T& value)已将mutex锁定为#1

/// Updated /// /// 更新 ///

Here is my understanding, 这是我的理解,

#1 already lock the mutex and will release when the pop(T&value) returns. #1已经锁定了互斥锁,并且将在pop(T&value)返回时释放。 Now in the middle of this function, the code calls data.empty() which in turn locks the mutex again. 现在,在此函数的中间,代码将调用data.empty() ,从而再次锁定mutex Since the mutex has been locked, so the function empty cannot get it. 由于互斥锁已被锁定,因此empty函数无法获取它。

That's a call to std::stack::empty , not thread_safe_stack::empty . 那是对std::stack::empty的调用,而不是thread_safe_stack::empty的调用。 So it isn't trying to acquire the mutex a second time. 因此,它并不是第二次尝试获取互斥量。

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