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[英]Print Element names in Console Use Firebug

I want to listing all input elements in console of firebug so in console window write the followings: 我想列出firebug控制台中的所有输入元素,所以在控制台窗口中写下如下:

var inputs = $(":input");

but when I press the Run in console appear null 但是当我按下Run in console时显示为null

also when I write just var inputs = $(":input"); 当我写的只是var inputs = $(":input"); the console show Undefined I sure the page have a lot of input elements, where is the problem? 控制台显示Undefined我确定页面有很多输入元素,问题出在哪里?

There is nothing wrong with the provided snippet. 提供的代码段没有任何问题。

Though, without specifying what to write (using console.log ) firebug will print whatever the last statement returned, when declaring a variable using var the result is always undefined . 虽然,没有指定要写的内容(使用console.log ),firebug将打印返回的最后一个语句,当使用var声明变量时,结果始终是undefined

var inputs = $(":input"); // firebug printing 'undefined' is valid
var abc = 123;            // results in the same thing

Please make sure that the website in question actually uses jQuery (bound to global $ ), and that there really are input elements present in the DOM. 请确保有问题的网站实际上使用jQuery (绑定到全局$ ),并且DOM中确实存在输入元素。

Also make sure that the jQuery version running is of a version later/equal to 1.0 ( :input selector didn't exists until then). 还要确保运行的jQuery版本的版本稍后/等于1.0( :input选择器在此之前不存在)。

If it has jQuery it probably is of a more recent version, how ever; 如果它有jQuery它可能是一个更新的版本,如何; without you providing us with additional information there is no way to guarantee it. 如果您没有向我们提供其他信息,则无法保证。

simply go to the firebug console and wrtie as @refp mentioned the page in question must have jquery included 只需转到firebug控制台和wrtie,因为@refp提到有问题的页面必须包含jquery


press run 按下运行

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