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Java Print是否可以忽略lpoptions?

[英]Any way for Java Print to ignore lpoptions?

I'm using the javax.print API to print a Jasper Report on Debian Linux. 我正在使用javax.print API在Debian Linux上打印Jasper报告。 For some reason the saved lpoptions (CUPS settings) always override settings choosen on the Java Print dialog. 由于某种原因,保存的lpoptions(CUPS设置)始终会覆盖在Java Print对话框中选择的设置。 At this point the only way I am getting around this problem is to delete the .lpoptions file in the user's directory. 此时,解决此问题的唯一方法是删除用户目录中的.lpoptions文件。 Is there a way to get javax.print to ignore the saved lpoptions? 有没有办法让javax.print忽略保存的lpoptions?

Java does not know what lpoptions is. Java不知道lpoptions是什么。 The Java application is printing using your it's own settings, but the Unix is overwriting the options using the Cups settings. Java应用程序使用自己的设置进行打印,而Unix使用Cups设置覆盖选项。

So the question should be: 所以问题应该是:

Any way for Unix ignore lpoptions and let Java do it's job? Unix是否可以忽略lpoptions并让Java来完成它的工作?

I thing you should ask it again at unix.stackexchange.com with a new title. 我想你应该在unix.stackexchange.com再次问一个新标题。

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