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触摸和放下WP7 / XNA?

[英]touch and drop in WP7 / XNA?

I want to create a drawing based application using touch and drop in which there would be a canvas on which shapes are dropped 我想使用触摸和拖放创建一个基于绘图的应用程序,在该应用程序中将放置一个画布,在其上放置形状

Can any one guide me how can i achieve this touch and drop toolbox and which would be better for this? 谁能指导我如何实现这种触摸和放下工具箱,哪一种会更好呢? windows phone or xna game studio Windows Phone或XNA Game Studio

I would suggest using silverlight. 我建议使用Silverlight。 Here's a good place to start: http://create.msdn.com/en-US/education/catalog/article/gestures 这是一个不错的起点: http : //create.msdn.com/zh-CN/education/catalog/article/gestures

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