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获取 std::tuple 的一部分

[英]get part of std::tuple

I have a tuple of unknown size (it's template parametr of method)我有一个未知大小的元组(它是方法的模板参数)

Is it way to get part of it (I need throw away first element of it)有没有办法得到它的一部分(我需要扔掉它的第一个元素)

For example, I have tuple<int,int,int>(7,12,42) .例如,我有tuple<int,int,int>(7,12,42) I want tuple<int,int>(12,42) here我想要tuple<int,int>(12,42)这里

With help of a compile-time integer list:在编译时整数列表的帮助下:

#include <cstdlib>

template <size_t... n>
struct ct_integers_list {
    template <size_t m>
    struct push_back
        typedef ct_integers_list<n..., m> type;

template <size_t max>
struct ct_iota_1
    typedef typename ct_iota_1<max-1>::type::template push_back<max>::type type;

template <>
struct ct_iota_1<0>
    typedef ct_integers_list<> type;

We could construct the tail simply by parameter-pack expansion:我们可以简单地通过参数包扩展来构造尾部:

#include <tuple>

template <size_t... indices, typename Tuple>
auto tuple_subset(const Tuple& tpl, ct_integers_list<indices...>)
    -> decltype(std::make_tuple(std::get<indices>(tpl)...))
    return std::make_tuple(std::get<indices>(tpl)...);
    // this means:
    //   make_tuple(get<indices[0]>(tpl), get<indices[1]>(tpl), ...)

template <typename Head, typename... Tail>
std::tuple<Tail...> tuple_tail(const std::tuple<Head, Tail...>& tpl)
    return tuple_subset(tpl, typename ct_iota_1<sizeof...(Tail)>::type());
    // this means:
    //   tuple_subset<1, 2, 3, ..., sizeof...(Tail)-1>(tpl, ..)


#include <cstdio>

int main()
    auto a = std::make_tuple(1, "hello", 7.9);
    auto b = tuple_tail(a);

    const char* s = nullptr;
    double d = 0.0;
    std::tie(s, d) = b;
    printf("%s %g\n", s, d);
    // prints:   hello 7.9

    return 0;

(On ideone: http://ideone.com/Tzv7v ; the code works in g++ 4.5 to 4.7 and clang++ 3.0) (关于 ideone: http ://ideone.com/Tzv7v ;代码在 g++ 4.5 到 4.7 和 clang++ 3.0 中工作)

There may be an easier way, but this is a start.可能有更简单的方法,但这是一个开始。 The "tail" function template returns a copied tuple with all values of the original except the first. “tail”函数模板返回一个复制的元组,其中包含除第一个之外的所有原始值。 This compiles with GCC 4.6.2 in C++0x-mode.这在 C++0x 模式下使用 GCC 4.6.2 编译。

template<size_t I>
struct assign {
  template<class ResultTuple, class SrcTuple>
  static void x(ResultTuple& t, const SrcTuple& tup) {
    std::get<I - 1>(t) = std::get<I>(tup);
    assign<I - 1>::x(t, tup);

struct assign<1> {
  template<class ResultTuple, class SrcTuple>
  static void x(ResultTuple& t, const SrcTuple& tup) {
    std::get<0>(t) = std::get<1>(tup);

template<class Tup> struct tail_helper;

template<class Head, class... Tail>
struct tail_helper<std::tuple<Head, Tail...>> {
  typedef typename std::tuple<Tail...> type;
  static type tail(const std::tuple<Head, Tail...>& tup) {
    type t;
    assign<std::tuple_size<type>::value>::x(t, tup);
    return t;

template<class Tup>
typename tail_helper<Tup>::type tail(const Tup& tup) {
  return tail_helper<Tup>::tail(tup);

With C++17, you can use std::apply :使用 C++17,您可以使用std::apply

template <typename Head, typename... Tail>
std::tuple<Tail...> tuple_tail(const std::tuple<Head, Tail...>& t)
    return apply([](auto head, auto... tail) {
        return std::make_tuple(tail...)};
    }, t);

A tuple slice operation (that also works for std::array and std::pair ) can be defined like this (C++14 required):元组切片操作(也适用于std::arraystd::pair )可以这样定义(需要 C++14):

namespace detail
    template <std::size_t Ofst, class Tuple, std::size_t... I>
    constexpr auto slice_impl(Tuple&& t, std::index_sequence<I...>)
        return std::forward_as_tuple(
            std::get<I + Ofst>(std::forward<Tuple>(t))...);

template <std::size_t I1, std::size_t I2, class Cont>
constexpr auto tuple_slice(Cont&& t)
    static_assert(I2 >= I1, "invalid slice");
    static_assert(std::tuple_size<std::decay_t<Cont>>::value >= I2, 
        "slice index out of bounds");

    return detail::slice_impl<I1>(std::forward<Cont>(t),
        std::make_index_sequence<I2 - I1>{});

And an arbitrary subset of a tuple t can be obtained like so :可以像这样获得元组t的任意子集:

tuple_slice<I1, I2>(t); 

Where [I1, I2) is the exclusive range of the subset and the return value is a tuple of either references or values depending on whether the input tuple is an lvalue or an rvalue respectively (a thorough elaboration can be found in myblog ).其中[I1, I2)是子集的唯一范围,返回值是引用或值的元组,具体取决于输入元组是左值还是右值(详细说明可以在我的博客中找到)。

I made some modifications to Adam's code that would strip off the first N arguments of the tuple, as well as create a new tuple with only the last N types ... Here is the complete code (note: if anyone decides to +1 my answer, also please +1 Adam's answer since that is what this code is based on, and I don't wish to take any credit away from his contribution) :我对Adam 的代码做了一些修改,去掉了元组的前 N ​​个参数,并创建了一个只有最后 N 个类型的新元组......这是完整的代码(注意:如果有人决定 +1 我的回答,也请 +1 Adam 的回答,因为这是此代码的基础,我不想从他的贡献中获得任何功劳)

//create a struct that allows us to create a new tupe-type with the first
//N types truncated from the front

template<size_t N, typename Tuple_Type>
struct tuple_trunc {};

template<size_t N, typename Head, typename... Tail>
struct tuple_trunc<N, std::tuple<Head, Tail...>>
    typedef typename tuple_trunc<N-1, std::tuple<Tail...>>::type type;

template<typename Head, typename... Tail>
struct tuple_trunc<0, std::tuple<Head, Tail...>>
    typedef std::tuple<Head, Tail...> type;

/*-------Begin Adam's Code-----------

Note the code has been slightly modified ... I didn't see the need for the extra
variadic templates in the "assign" structure.  Hopefully this doesn't break something
I didn't forsee


template<size_t N, size_t I>
struct assign 
    template<class ResultTuple, class SrcTuple>
    static void x(ResultTuple& t, const SrcTuple& tup) 
        std::get<I - N>(t) = std::get<I>(tup);  
        assign<N, I - 1>::x(t, tup);  //this offsets the assignment index by N

template<size_t N>
struct assign<N, 1> 
    template<class ResultTuple, class SrcTuple>
    static void x(ResultTuple& t, const SrcTuple& tup) 
        std::get<0>(t) = std::get<1>(tup);

template<size_t TruncSize, class Tup> struct th2;

//modifications to this class change "type" to the new truncated tuple type
//as well as modifying the template arguments to assign

template<size_t TruncSize, class Head, class... Tail>
struct th2<TruncSize, std::tuple<Head, Tail...>> 
    typedef typename tuple_trunc<TruncSize, std::tuple<Head, Tail...>>::type type;

    static type tail(const std::tuple<Head, Tail...>& tup) 
        type t;
        assign<TruncSize, std::tuple_size<type>::value>::x(t, tup);
        return t;

template<size_t TruncSize, class Tup>
typename th2<TruncSize, Tup>::type tail(const Tup& tup) 
    return th2<TruncSize, Tup>::tail(tup);

//a small example
int main()
    std::tuple<double, double, int, double> test(1, 2, 3, 4);
    tuple_trunc<2, std::tuple<double, double, int, double>>::type c = tail<2>(test);
    return 0;

Please don't use!请不要使用!

  • This is [most probably] unspecified behaviour.这是 [很可能] 未指明的行为。 It could stop working at any time.它可能随时停止工作。
  • Furthermore, there is a possibility of padding issues (ie it may work for int but may fail for your type!).此外,存在填充问题的可能性(即它可能适用于int但可能不适用于您的类型!)。

See comments for discussion.见评论讨论。 I'm leaving this answer just for reference.我留下这个答案仅供参考。

Even simpler:更简单:

tuple<int,int,int> origin{7,12,42};
tuple<int, int> &tail1 = (tuple<int, int>&)origin;
tuple<int> &tail2 = (tuple<int>&)origin;
cout << "tail1: {" << get<0>(tail1) << ", " << get<1>(tail1) << "}" << endl;
cout << "tail2: {" << get<0>(tail2) << "}" << endl;

I got:我有:

tail1: {12, 42}
tail2: {42}

I'm not certain that this is not an unspecified behaviour.我不确定这不是未指明的行为。 Works for me: Fedora 20 and对我有用:Fedora 20 和

❯ clang --version
clang version 3.3 (tags/RELEASE_33/final)
Target: x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu
Thread model: posix
❯ gcc --version
gcc (GCC) 4.8.2 20131212 (Red Hat 4.8.2-7)
Copyright (C) 2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO

References: article on voidnish.wordpress.com/ .参考资料: 关于 voidnish.wordpress.com/ 的文章

The c++17 way: C++17 方式:

#include <tuple>
#include <string>

template <size_t __begin, size_t...__indices, typename Tuple>
auto tuple_slice_impl(Tuple &&tuple, std::index_sequence<__indices...>) {
  return std::make_tuple(std::get<__begin + __indices>(std::forward<Tuple>(tuple))...);

template <size_t __begin, size_t __count, typename Tuple>
auto tuple_slice(Tuple &&tuple) {
  static_assert(__count > 0, "splicing tuple to 0-length is weird...");
  return tuple_slice_impl<__begin>(std::forward<Tuple>(tuple), std::make_index_sequence<__count>());

template <size_t __begin, size_t __count, typename Tuple>
using tuple_slice_t = decltype(tuple_slice<__begin, __count>(Tuple{}));

using test_tuple = std::tuple<int, int, bool, nullptr_t, std::string>;
using sliced_test = tuple_slice_t<2, 2, test_tuple>;

static_assert(std::tuple_size_v<sliced_test> == 2);
static_assert(std::is_same_v<std::decay_t<decltype(std::get<0>(sliced_test{}))>, bool>);
static_assert(std::is_same_v<std::decay_t<decltype(std::get<1>(sliced_test{}))>, nullptr_t>);

#include <cassert>

int main() {
  test_tuple tuple {
    -1, 42, true, nullptr, "hello"
  auto spliced = tuple_slice<3, 2>(tuple);
  assert(std::get<0>(spliced) == nullptr);
  assert(std::get<1>(spliced) == std::get<4>(tuple));
  return 0;

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