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C#2.0 VS2005中期望的类型或命名空间

[英]Type or Namespace Expected in C# 2.0 VS2005

Just wanna create an object of ProgressBar control as below code : 只需创建一个ProgressBar控件对象,如下代码:

pgImportProcess process = new pgImportProcess();

But it occurs an error 但它发生一个错误

Type or namespace name expected 预期的类型或名称空间名称

How to solve this problem ? 如何解决这个问题呢 ?


The winform progressbar class is located at System.Windows.Forms namespace so you need to write: winform progressbar类位于System.Windows.Forms命名空间,因此您需要编写:

System.Windows.Forms.ProgressBar process=new System.Windows.Forms.ProgressBar();

EDIT: 编辑:

@Oudam San: pgimportProcess is a name of ProgressBar Control , sorry for not detail explanation. @Oudam San:pgimportProcess是ProgressBar控件的名称,对不起详细解释。

That means reference variable pgimportProcess is created (take a look at form designer code). 这意味着创建了引用变量pgimportProcess (请看表单设计器代码)。 However if you want to instantiate the ProgressBar and want to store reference into pgimportProcess variable then you may write: 但是,如果要实例化ProgressBar并将引用存储到pgimportProcess变量中,则可以编写:

pgImportProcess = new ProgressBar();

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