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[英]FreeMarker: Check if map value is null

I have a Map whose key and value and custom classes. 我有一个Map,其键和值以及自定义类。 The key class is called Position and is instantiated with two int (for example new Position(2, 4) . 键类名为Position并使用两个int实例化(例如, new Position(2, 4)

I got rid of this Position class and converted the map to a SimpleHash in order to use it with Freemarker. 我摆脱了这个Position类并将地图转换为SimpleHash ,以便与Freemarker一起使用。 I now have a SimpleHash whose key is a String remapping Position values (for example "2 4" ) and whose value is either null or a Lot (custom) class. 我现在有一个SimpleHash其键是一个字符串重新映射位置值(例如"2 4" ),其值为nullLot (自定义)类。

In the template I need to check if the value of a given item in the SimpleMap (passed as map ) is either null or a Lot instance. 在模板中,我需要检查SimpleMap中给定项的值(作为map传递)是null还是Lot实例。

        <#list mapMinY..mapMaxY as y>
                <#list mapMinX..mapMaxX as x>
                            <!-- Check if map[x + " " + y] is null -->
                            ${x}, ${y}

How to do this? 这个怎么做?

Use the ?? 使用?? operator. 运营商。

<#if map[x + " " + y]??>It's not null<#else>It's null or missing</#if>

See also the related part of the Manual . 另见手册的相关部分

since freemarker is kind of odd when it comes to null values have two ways to solve it. 因为freemarks有点奇怪,当涉及到null值时,有两种方法可以解决它。 1.Treat it as a missing value : 1.将其作为缺失值:

${map[x + " " + y]!}
   do Stuff
${map[x + " " + y]!}

2.Just convert that check into a true/false check. 2.只需将支票转换为真/假支票。 This could be done by using a utility class whith a isNull(Object obj) function. 这可以通过使用带有isNull(Object obj)函数的实用程序类来完成。

utilClass.isNull(map[x + " " + y])==true

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