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php OOP-从类中的另一个类调用静态方法

[英]php OOP - call static method from another class within class

I have the following class to another class in my main class. 我的主班有以下班级到另一个班级。

class Products 
    public function __get( $key ){
        return trim(functions::mssql_escape_string_rev($this->fields[ $key ]));

This beings back error: Call to undefined method functions::mssql_escape_string_rev() 这个存在错误: Call to undefined method functions::mssql_escape_string_rev()

Is there something wrong with my syntax or can this not be done? 我的语法有问题吗?还是无法解决?

Below is code used to autoload classes, this works for everything else so I know there is nothign wrong with the code. 下面是用于自动加载类的代码,该代码可用于其他所有内容,因此我知道代码没有什么错误。 It just doesnt seem to initiate within the class. 它似乎并没有在班级内启动。

// autoloader function called when we try to instantiate a class but haven't included the file
function __autoload($resource_name){

    $resource_name = trim($resource_name);

    try { 

        $filepath = CLASS_PATH."/class.".$resource_name.".inc.php";


            throw new Exception('');

    } catch(Exception $e) {

        exit("Could not find the required file: ".$resource_name);


** * **** EDIT * **** Please ignore this, I made a stupid mistake and included the functions::mssql_escape_string_rev twice. ** * **** 编辑 * ****请忽略这一点,我犯了一个愚蠢的错误,并包含两次函数:: mssql_escape_string_rev。 Sorry for timewasting.. 很抱歉浪费时间。

As the error says the problem is that functions::mssql_escape_string_rev() is not defined. 如错误所示,问题在于functions::mssql_escape_string_rev()

Since we can't see what you think is the definition we can not really help you. 由于我们看不到您认为的定义,因此我们无法真正为您提供帮助。

For me it looks like the call should be Functions::mysql_escape_string_rev() with capital F and mysql . 对我来说,调用应该是带有大写Fmysql Functions::mysql_escape_string_rev()

Update 更新

Calling static functions from another class works normally: http://codepad.org/wrfm5X7j 从另一个类调用静态函数正常工作: http : //codepad.org/wrfm5X7j

Maybe you are calling mysql_escape_string_rev before you included the functions class. 也许在包含函数类之前就在调用mysql_escape_string_rev。

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