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[英]Casting java.sql.Connection to com.mysql.jdbc.Connection

My database uses MySQL and I'm using hibernate as an ORM framework. 我的数据库使用MySQL,我使用hibernate作为ORM框架。 I have one instance where I need to access the MySQL Connection object. 我有一个实例,我需要访问MySQL Connection对象。 I use the following code to get a java.sql.Connection object: 我使用以下代码来获取java.sql.Connection对象:


However, when I try to cast it to a ( com.mysql.jdbc.Connection ) object, I get the following exception: 但是,当我尝试将其com.mysql.jdbc.Connection转换为( com.mysql.jdbc.Connection )对象时,我得到以下异常:

java.lang.ClassCastException: $Proxy50 cannot be cast to com.mysql.jdbc.Connection

Strangely, if I do conn.getClass().getName() , the class type returned is '$Proxy50' and not 'java.sql.Connection' or some other meaningful type. 奇怪的是,如果我执行conn.getClass().getName() ,返回的类类型是'$ Proxy50'而不是'java.sql.Connection'或其他一些有意义的类型。

What is the correct method for obtaining a vendor specific Connection object from Hibernate? 从Hibernate获取供应商特定的Connection对象的正确方法是什么? (I'm trying to read a MySQL system property). (我正在尝试读取MySQL系统属性)。 Why does my above example not work? 为什么上面的例子不起作用?

As a rule, you should not need to access the concrete Connection implementation. 通常,您不需要访问具体的Connection实现。

But if you really, really need to, here's an explanation: $Proxy40 means it is a JDK dynamic proxy. 但如果你真的,真的需要,这里有一个解释:$ Proxy40意味着它是一个JDK动态代理。 Spring tends to create these. Spring倾向于创造这些。 If yours is created by spring, then, you can get the real object by: 如果你的是春天创造的,那么你可以通过以下方式获得真实的物体:

Advised advised = (Advised) connection;
Connection conn = (Connection) advised.getTargetSource().getTarget();

If spring is not involved in the proxying, you should be able to call Connection.unwrap(..) as BalusC suggested (you should be able to to that either way) 如果代理中没有涉及spring,你应该可以像BalusC建议的那样调用Connection.unwrap(..) (你应该能够以任何一种方式)

What is the correct method for obtaining a vendor specific Connection object from Hibernate? 从Hibernate获取供应商特定的Connection对象的正确方法是什么?

It depends. 这取决于。

I've unwrapped Proxy's successfully like this. 我已经成功解开了Proxy的问题。 How to unwrap the original object from a dynamic proxy 如何从动态代理中解包原始对象

Kinda scary stuff though, avoid it if you can. 有点可怕的东西,如果你可以避免它。

com.mysql.jdbc.Connection implements java.sql.Connection interface. com.mysql.jdbc.Connection实现了java.sql.Connection接口。 Therefore when you create com.mysql.jdbc.Connection object is also java.sql.Connection object. 因此在创建com.mysql.jdbc.Connection对象时也是java.sql.Connection对象。 So you cannot cast operation there because returning object is java.sql.Connection not com.mysql.jdbc.Connection . 所以你不能在那里执行操作,因为返回的对象是java.sql.Connection而不是com.mysql.jdbc.Connection


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