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Sphinx autodoc django无法正常工作

[英]Sphinx autodoc django not working

I've started using Sphinx for a django project, and I've hit a brick wall: 我已经开始使用Sphinx进行django项目了,我碰到了一堵砖墙:

The modules are documented with something like this: 模块记录如下:

:mod:`models` Module

.. automodule:: userprofile.models

The relevant code looks like this: 相关代码如下所示:

# models is django.db.models
class ProfileQuerystring(models.Model):

The problem is that ProfileQuerystring does not appear in the HTML build. 问题是ProfileQuerystring 没有出现在HTML构建中。 If, however, I remove the inheritance to models.Model (so the line looks like class ProfileQuerystring: ) and re-build, the class gets documented. 但是,如果我将继承移除到models.Model (因此该行看起来像class ProfileQuerystring:并重新构建, class ProfileQuerystring:记录该类。

This doesn't happen a few lines above that code, where I inherit from models.Manager . 这不会发生在代码之上的几行,我从models.Manager继承。

Can anyone help me out or at least give me a hint? 任何人都可以帮助我或者至少给我一个暗示吗?


If I manually add it, it works: 如果我手动添加它,它的工作原理:

.. automodule:: cinely.userprofile.models

.. autoclass:: cinely.userprofile.models.ProfileQuerystring # <-- note this

So the class can be documented, but somehow automodule doesn't want to. 因此可以记录该类,但不知何故, automodule不想这样做。

LATER EDIT 2 : 后期编辑2

I've tried removing the __metaclass__ attribute from Model , but nothing happens. 我试过从Model删除__metaclass__属性,但没有任何反应。 Also, since I've started editing the Django source, I took the chance to print something to the console, but nothing happened. 此外,由于我已经开始编辑Django源代码,我有机会在控制台上打印一些东西,但什么都没发生。 I can confirm that the customized django is used, because I've uninstalled the pip installed one. 我可以确认使用了自定义的django,因为我已经卸载了已安装的pip

This is a tentative answer, and it might be wrong. 这是一个试探性的答案,可能是错的。 It was simply too long to be put as a comment... However, if you take a look at the django source you will notice that Model and Manager have a different inheritance three. 它只是作为一个评论太长了......但是,如果你看一下django源代码,你会注意到ModelManager有一个不同的继承三。 In particular, the Model class uses the __metaclass__ attribute: 特别是, Model类使用__metaclass__属性:

Manager : 经理

class Manager(object):
    # Tracks each time a Manager instance is created. Used to retain order.
    creation_counter = 0

Model : 型号

class Model(object):
    __metaclass__ = ModelBase
    _deferred = False

My guess (but it's nothing more than that: a guess) is that when ModelBase creates the class, it manipulate the __module__ attribute in a way that confuses sphinx and makes impossible for it to understand that the class is part of the module models . 我的猜测(但不过是一个猜测)是当ModelBase创建类时,它以一种混淆sphinx的方式操纵__module__属性,使得它无法理解该类是模块models一部分。

module = attrs.pop('__module__')
new_class = super_new(cls, name, bases, {'__module__': module})

This hypothesis is consistent with your observation that - when the class to document is specified explicitly - sphinx has no problem in generating the documentation. 这个假设与您的观察结果一致 - 当明确指定文档类时 - sphinx在生成文档时没有问题。

Does it help? 有帮助吗?

EDIT: Just occurred to me that a simple way to verify this hypothesis would be to temporary comment out the __metaclass__ line in the Model class definition and see if this way sphinx picks it up... 编辑:我刚想到,验证这个假设的一个简单方法是临时注释掉Model类定义中的__metaclass__行,看看sphinx是否采用了这种方式...

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