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[英]Getting old value from text box in a dialog

I have a JQuery Dialog, with a control inside containing textbox, I also have a ok button inside. 我有一个JQuery对话框,里面有一个包含文本框的控件,我里面也有一个确定按钮。 On the ok click I get the value from the textbox and pass it to a function. 单击确定,然后从文本框中获取值并将其传递给函数。

Problem: 问题:

Everytime I change the value in the textbox it only gets the old value, 每当我在文本框中更改值时,它只会获取旧值,

so, if the original value is 3, i change it to 20, i click the button, it gets the value 3. 因此,如果原始值为3,则将其更改为20,然后单击按钮,它将获得值3。

Anyone have any ideas as to why it does this? 有人对为什么这样做有任何想法吗?

thanks! 谢谢!

here is some code: 这是一些代码:


$("#addtxt").click(function (e) {
  $("#dialog").html('<input id="my_txttext" name="my_txttext" title="Manoj" type="text" label="Add Text" />');
      resizable: false,
      modal: true,
      position: {
          my: 'center',
          at: 'center',
          //    collision: 'fit',
          // ensure that the titlebar is never outside the document
          using: function (pos) {
              var topOffset = $(this).css(pos).offset().top;
              if (topOffset < 0) {
                  $(this).css('top', pos.top - topOffset);
      width: 300,
      CloseText: '',
      title: 'Add Text',
      buttons: {
          'OK': function () {
              //to create dynamic div to contain data
              var div = document.createElement('div');
              $(div).attr("id", "dyndiv" + count);
              objid = "dyndiv" + count;

              var $ctrl = $(div).text($('#my_txttext').get(0).value).addClass("draggable ui-widget-content HandleTopRowBorder").draggable({
                  containment: '#containment-wrapper',
                  cursor: 'move',
                  snap: '#containment-wrapper'

              $('#' + objid).position({
                  of: $("#containment-wrapper"),
                  my: "center" + " " + "center",
                  at: "center" + " " + "center"
              //    $('#my_txttext').val('')

          'Cancel': function () {
              // I'm sorry, I changed my mind                 

$("#addtxt").click(function (e) {
  var $input = $('<input title="Manoj" type="text" placeholder="Add Text" />');
      resizable: false,
      modal: true,
      position: {
          my: 'center',
          at: 'center',
          //    collision: 'fit',
          // ensure that the titlebar is never outside the document
          using: function (pos) {
              var topOffset = $(this).css(pos).offset().top;
              if (topOffset < 0) {
                  $(this).css('top', pos.top - topOffset);
      width: 300,
      CloseText: '',
      title: 'Add Text',
      buttons: {
          'OK': function () {


              $("<div>", { 'id' : "dyndiv" + count })
                .addClass("draggable ui-widget-content HandleTopRowBorder")
                  containment: '#containment-wrapper',
                  cursor: 'move',
                  snap: '#containment-wrapper'
                  of: $("#containment-wrapper"),
                  my: "center" + " " + "center",
                  at: "center" + " " + "center"


          'Cancel': function () {


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