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[英]SolrNet: How can I use SolrNet with ending up with a long URL?

I am very happy with SolrNet but at times the querystring becomes too long eg http://localhost:2136/li.aspx?k=vitamin&f=categories&fValue=Minerals&s=name (searching for vitamins, then clicked on Minerals in the category facet and opted to sort results by name) 我对SolrNet感到非常满意,但有时查询字符串会变得太长,例如http:// localhost:2136 / li.aspx?k = vitamin&f = categories&fValue = Minerals&s = name (搜索维生素,然后在facet和选择按名称对结果进行排序)

So my question is, is there a better way to query solr (via SolrNet) without making the URL this long (and ugly). 所以我的问题是,有没有一种更好的方法来查询solr(通过SolrNet)而又不会使URL这么长(又丑陋)。 Concretely, is there another way to query solr then doing a response.redirect every time a different facet is clicked? 具体来说,还有另一种方法来查询solr然后执行response.redirect每次单击不同的方面时都会重定向?

Thanks! 谢谢!

This isn't really about SolrNet or Solr, since they don't dictate anything about your web application's URLs. 这实际上与SolrNet或Solr无关,因为它们并不决定Web应用程序URL的任何内容。

Assuming you're using ASP.NET (WebForms or MVC), take a look at routing to customize your URLs to be nicer. 假设您使用的是ASP.NET(WebForms或MVC),请看一下路由以自定义URL,以便更好。

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