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[英]How to sort an array in JavaScript

I am not using an associative array. 我没有使用关联数组。 I'm using 1d array like this, 我正在使用像这样的1d数组,


How can I sort this array? 我该如何排序这个数组?

The result should be, 结果应该是,


sort() without a custom sorting function will sort it how you wish (lexicographically). 没有自定义排序功能的sort()将按照您的意愿(按字典顺序)对其进行排序。

>>> ["1,a","5,b","2,c","8,d","6,f"].sort();
["1,a", "2,c", "5,b", "6,f", "8,d"]

Note that this will sort the original array. 请注意,这将对原始数组进行排序。 You can make a shallow copy with slice() . 您可以使用slice()创建浅表副本。

If any of your numbers are larger than 9 , and you want to sort it via the ordinal of the number, you will need a custom sorting function. 如果您的任何数字大于9 ,并且您想通过数字的序数对其进行排序,则需要自定义排序功能。

["1,a","5,b","2,c","8,d","6,f"].sort(function(a, b) {
    return parseInt(a, 10) - parseInt(b, 10);

Use array.sort() built-in JS function. 使用array.sort()内置JS函数。 Documentation here: http://www.w3schools.com/jsref/jsref_sort.asp 文档: http//www.w3schools.com/jsref/jsref_sort.asp

Try this 试试这个

var abc=new Array("1,a","5,b","2,c","8,d","6,f");

http://jsfiddle.net/Dht33/ http://jsfiddle.net/Dht33/

var arrayVar = ["1,a","2,c","5,b","6,f","8,d"];


arrayVar; // "1,a","2,c","5,b","6,f","8,d"

try with: 尝试:

function sortNumber(a,b)
return (a.split(","))[0] - (b.split(","))[0] ;

var n = ["1,a","5,b","2,c","8,d","6,f"];
alert( n.sort(sortNumber) );

Here's what I do: 这是我做的:

var arr1 = new Array("1,a","5,b","2,c","8,d","6,f");
var arr2 = arr1.sort( function(a, b){
    var ax = a.split(",");
    var bx = b.split(",");
    return ax[0]-bx[0];

document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = arr2.join(" : ");

You need to write your own comparison function to compare the numbers, otherwise the default sort() would put something like "40,a" before "5,b" . 你需要编写自己的比较函数来比较数字,否则默认的sort()会在"5,b"之前加上类似"40,a"东西。

Here's an example which just splits on the , character and assumes the value before it is numerical. 这是一个例子,它只是在字符上进行分割,并假定它在数值之前的值。 I've added "40,a" into the example to show that it orders numbers >9 correctly. 我在示例中添加了"40,a" ,表明它正确地命令数字> 9。

function mySort(a,b)
    return a.split(",", 1) - b.split(",", 1);

var theArray = ["1,a", "5,b", "2,c", "40,a", "8,d", "6,f"];
theArray.sort(mySort); // "1,a","2,c","5,b","6,f","8,d","40,a"

I'm going to go ahead and assume you want to sort by the number part first, sorting numerically, and then have a secondary lexographic (string) sort on the bit after the comma. 我将继续并假设您要先按数字部分排序,按数字排序,然后在逗号后面的位上进行二级词法(字符串)排序。 That way a value like "11,a" will end up after "2,a" - if you just do a default sort "11,a" will end up before "2,a". 这样一个像“11,a”这样的值将在“2,a”之后结束 - 如果你只是做一个默认排序“11,a”将在“2,a”之前结束。 So: 所以:

var a = ["1,a","11,a","8,a","24,z","5,b","2,c","8,d","6,f"];

a.sort(function(a,b) {
   var aparts = a.split(","),
       bparts = b.split(","),
       anum = +aparts[0], // convert first part to number
       bnum = +bparts[0],
       aletter = aparts[1],
       bletter = bparts[1];

   if (anum === bnum)
      return aletter < bletter ? -1 : aletter === bletter ? 0 : -1;
      return anum - bnum;

Result: 结果:

["1,a", "2,c", "5,b", "6,f", "8,a", "8,d", "11,a", "24,z"]

Try this: 试试这个:

<script type="text/javascript">
var testArray = new Array();
testArray[0] = '1';
testArray[1] = '5';
testArray[2] = '9';
testArray[3] = '8';
testArray[4] = '6';
testArray[5] = '2';
var getlength = testArray.length;
testArray.sort(function(a,b){return a - b});
for(var i=0; i<getlength;i++) {         

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