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[英]Relationship between Functor, Applicative Functor, and Monad

When reading up on type classes I have seen that the relationship between Functors, Applicative Functors, and Monads is that of strictly increasing power. 在阅读类型类时,我发现函子,应用函子和Monads之间的关系是严格提高能力的。 Functors are types that can be mapped over. 函子是可以映射的类型。 Applicative Functors can do the same things with certain effects. 应用函子可以执行相同的操作并具有一定的效果。 Monads the same with possibly unrestrictive effects. 单声道的效果可能不受限制 Moreover: 此外:

Every Monad is an Applicative Functor
Every Applicative Functor is a Functor

The definition of the Applicative Functor shows this clearly with: 应用函子的定义清楚地表明了这一点:

class Functor f => Applicative f where
  pure  :: a -> f a
  (<*>) :: f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b

But the definition of Monad is: 但是Monad的定义是:

class Monad m where
  return :: a -> m a
  (>>=)  :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
  (>>)   :: m a -> m b -> m b
  m >> n = m >>= \_ -> n
  fail   :: String -> m a

According to Brent Yorgey's great typeclassopedia that an alternative definition of monad could be: 根据布伦特·约吉(Brent Yorgey)的伟大的typeclassopedia ,对monad的另一种定义可能是:

class Applicative m => Monad' m where
  (>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b

which is obviously simpler and would cement that Functor < Applicative Functor < Monad. 这显然更简单, 并且可以巩固Functor <Applicative Functor <Monad。 So why isn't this the definition? 那么,为什么不定义呢? I know applicative functors are new, but according to the 2010 Haskell Report page 80, this hasn't changed. 我知道应用函子是新功能,但是根据2010年Haskell报告第80页,这没有改变。 Why is this? 为什么是这样?

Everyone wants to see Applicative become a superclass of Monad, but it would break so much code (if return is eliminated, every current Monad instance becomes invalid) that everyone wants to hold off until we can extend the language in such a way that avoids breaking the code ( see here for one prominent proposal). 每个人都希望看到Applicative成为Monad的超类,但它会破坏太多的代码(如果消除了return ,则每个Monad实例都将变为无效),因此每个人都希望推迟,直到我们以避免破坏的方式扩展语言为止代码( 请参阅此处获取一项重要建议)。

Haskell 2010 was a conservative, incremental improvement in general, standardising only a few uncontroversial extensions and breaking compatibility in one area to bring the standard in line with every existing implementation. Haskell 2010总体上是保守的,渐进式的改进,仅标准化了一些无争议的扩展,并打破了一个领域的兼容性,以使该标准与所有现有实现保持一致。 Indeed, Haskell 2010's libraries don't even include Applicative — less of what people have come to expect from the standard library is standardised than you might expect. 确实,Haskell 2010的库甚至不包含Applicative-人们对标准库的期望是标准化的,比您期望的要少。

Hopefully we'll see the situation improve soon, but thankfully it's usually only a mild inconvenience (having to write liftM instead of fmap in generic code, etc.). 希望我们会很快看到这种情况有所改善,但值得庆幸的是,这通常只是轻微的不便(必须在通用代码中编写liftM而不是fmap等)。

Changing the definition of Monad at this point, would have broken a lot of existing code (any piece of code that defines a Monad instance) to be worthwhile. 此时更改Monad的定义,将使很多现有代码(定义Monad实例的任何代码段)变得值得。

Breaking backwards-compatibility like that is only worthwhile if there is a large practical benefit to the change. 只有在这种改变有很大的实际利益的情况下,打破这种向后兼容的做法才是值得的。 In this case the benefit is not that big (and mostly theoretical anyway) and wouldn't justify that amount of breakage. 在这种情况下,收益不是那么大(无论如何基本上都是理论上的收益),并且也不能证明这种破损是合理的。

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