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[英]How compilers evaluate mathematical expressions?

I was reading this question and then I made the following. 我正在阅读这个问题,然后我做了以下内容。

a = b + (c - (b = c)) + (a - (c = a))

I tried that in C and Java. 我在C和Java中尝试过。 It works with java , but not C. 它适用于java,但不适用于C.

Of course, it depends on how the compiler evaluate such expressions and after googling about that, I failed to find the answer. 当然,这取决于编译器如何评估这些表达式,在谷歌搜索之后,我找不到答案。

The reason why it doesn't work in C is because C doesn't specify exactly when the c = a will occur. 它在C中不起作用的原因是因为C没有准确指定c = a何时发生。 It can occur before or after the two other times it is referenced in that statement. 它可以在该语句中引用的另外两次之前或之后发生。

So depending on when the compiler decides to perform the assignment c = a , the value of the expression will vary. 因此,根据编译器何时决定执行赋值c = a ,表达式的值将有所不同。 It's not defined. 它没有定义。

ie If b = c is evaluated before c = a then, b will take the original value of c . 即如果在c = a之前评估b = c那么b将取c的原始值。 If it is evaluated after, then it will take the value of a . 如果是后评估,然后它会采取的值a

您可以参考java 表达式文档以获得完美答案。

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