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[英]How long is the message boundary in node.js?

How can I detect the message boundary in node.js? 如何在node.js中检测消息边界? The client sends messages with along their length: length + data . 客户端发送消息的长度为: length + data

socket.on(data) receives all data in one line. socket.on(data)在一行中接收所有数据。 But, I need to receive only 2 bytes first then x bytes data. 但是,我只需要先接收2个字节,然后再接收x个字节的数据。

tcp sockets are just byte streams, there's no message boundary, you need to count the bytes consumed and compare this number to the one from the preamble. tcp套接字只是字节流,没有消息边界,您需要计算消耗的字节并将此数字与前导中的字节进行比较。

here's a bit of code that does what you need. 这里有一些代码可以满足您的需求。 it's written in CoffeeScript, and uses 32-bit int for message size, so you'll have to adjust a bit. 它是用CoffeeScript编写的,并且使用32位int表示消息大小,因此您必须进行一些调整。

  remaining = 0
  input = undefined

  msgsize = 0
  msbuf = new Buffer 4
  msneeded = 4

  sock.on 'data', (bytes) =>

    start = 0
    end = bytes.length

    while start < bytes.length

      if remaining == 0
        msavail = (Math.min 4, bytes.length - start)
        bytes.copy msbuf, msbuf.length - msneeded, start, start + msavail
        msneeded -= msavail
        continue if msneeded > 0
        msneeded = 4
        remaining = msgsize = msbuf.readUInt32LE 0
        start += 4
        input = new Buffer msgsize

      end = (Math.min start + remaining, bytes.length)
      bytes.copy input, msgsize - remaining, start, end
      remaining -= (end - start)
      start = end

      @emit 'data', input if 0 == remaining

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