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在VirtualBox上的Ubuntu 11.10上的Rails 3.1非常慢

[英]Rails 3.1 on Ubuntu 11.10 under VirtualBox very slow

I have VirtualBox with Ubuntu 11.10 on Windows7. 我在Windows7上安装了带有Ubuntu 11.10的VirtualBox。 I run Rails 3.1 on webrick (rails s) and go to VirtualBox's IP adress (192.168.2.xxx:3000) from browser on Windows. 我在webrick(rails s)上运行Rails 3.1并从Windows上的浏览器转到VirtualBox的IP地址(192.168.2.xxx:3000)。 At this moment I face troubles - page loads very very slowly, on Rails console i see how slowly it responses files (css, js, images): up to 5 seconds for each! 此刻我遇到麻烦 - 页面加载速度非常慢,在Rails控制台上我看到它响应文件的速度有多慢(css,js,images):每个最多5秒! But: if I go inside Ubuntu - it works perfect. 但是:如果我在Ubuntu中去0.0.0.0:3000 - 它完美无缺。

Where is the problem? 问题出在哪儿? Where to look for a solution? 在哪里寻找解决方案?

As mentioned above, it appears this is a duplicate of another issue, though that issue specifically mentions webrick and a remote desktop connection, neither of which was I looking for, as I didn't know it was specific to webrick. 如上所述,它似乎是另一个问题的重复,虽然该问题特别提到了webrick和远程桌面连接,我都没有找到,因为我不知道它是webrick特有的。

So I think it should be noted that this is NOT a misconfiguration of the virtual machine or BIOS settings or anything like that. 所以我认为应该注意的是,这不是虚拟机或BIOS设置或类似设置的错误配置。 This is strictly a webrick issue. 绝对是一个问题。 Other services work just fine if they aren't trying to do reverse DNS lookups. 如果他们不尝试进行反向DNS查找,其他服务也可以正常工作。

The problem stems from Webrick's default setting to try and do a reverse DNS lookup, which has issues when the lookup fails, as it tends to do consistently for me on my local machine. 问题源于Webrick的默认设置,即尝试进行反向DNS查找,这在查找失败时会出现问题,因为它往往会在我的本地计算机上始终如一地执行。

There are a few ways to fix this. 有几种方法可以解决这个问题。

Hack /etc/hosts Hack / etc / hosts

The first is to hack /etc/hosts so your client machine has an entry. 第一种是破解/etc/hosts这样你的客户端机器就有了一个条目。 Hacking /etc/hosts is semi-advanced, but basically amounts to figuring out what you host machine's IP address is and adding a line to your /etc/hosts file. 黑客/etc/hosts是半高级的,但基本上相当于计算你主机的IP地址是什么,并在/etc/hosts文件中添加一行。 This requires root-level permissions. 这需要根级权限。

  • Get your IP address - this will be seen in the Rails console when you make a request, and will look something like this: Started GET "/" for at Tue Aug 21 11:33:23 -0700 2012 - in this case, the IP address is 获取您的IP地址 - 当您提出请求时,这将在Rails控制台中显示,并且看起来像这样: Started GET "/" for at Tue Aug 21 11:33:23 -0700 2012 - 在此case,IP地址是10.0.2.2。
  • Add a line to /etc/hosts to identify that IP address: Nerdmaster /etc/hosts添加一行以标识该IP地址: Nerdmaster

All should be well! 一切都应该好!

Disable daemon 禁用守护程序

This seemed to work for some ubuntu users: 这似乎适用于一些ubuntu用户:

service avahi-daemon stop

Given you're killing a service, there may be other apps which have issues. 鉴于您正在查杀服务,可能还有其他应用程序存在问题。 This is probably best as a temporary measure, not a permanent one, but I know very little about the service, so avoid taking my word for this one :) 这可能是最好的临时措施,而不是永久措施,但我对服务知之甚少,所以不要相信我的话:)

This also requires root-level permissions. 这还需要根级权限。

Hack webrick 哈克webrick

I really despise hacking core Ruby code that I have to re-hack on every update, but this is what a lot of people do: 我真的很鄙视黑客核心Ruby代码,我必须在每次更新时重新破解,但这是许多人所做的:

  • Find your webrick/config.rb 找到你的webrick/config.rb
    • It may be in /usr/lib/ruby/[version]/webrick/config.rb if you're running a normal Ruby 它可能在/usr/lib/ruby/[version]/webrick/config.rb如果你正在运行一个普通的Ruby
    • If you use RVM, you'll have to find the appropriate ruby directory, eg /home/username/.rvm/rubies/[version]/lib/ruby/[version]/webrick/config.rb 如果您使用RVM,则必须找到相应的ruby目录,例如/home/username/.rvm/rubies/[version]/lib/ruby/[version]/webrick/config.rb
    • I don't know jack about other options like rbenv 我不知道杰克有关像rbenv这样的其他选择
    • Worst-case scenario, try find / -type d -name "webrick" 最坏情况,尝试find / -type d -name "webrick"
  • Edit in your favorite editor (obviously this would be vim) 在你最喜欢的编辑器中编辑(显然这将是vim)
    • Look for :DoNotReverseLookup => nil . 寻找:DoNotReverseLookup => nil
    • Change nil to true . nil更改为true
    • If you don't see this setting, you may have to use the /etc/hosts hack above. 如果您没有看到此设置,则可能必须使用上面的/etc/hosts hack。

If you aren't using rvm or something similar, this will require root-level permissions. 如果您不使用rvm或类似的东西,这将需要根级权限。

Don't use webrick 不要使用webrick

I don't think this is a real solution, as webrick is sometimes your best (or at least quickest) option, but you can try a different server. 我不认为这是一个真正的解决方案,因为webrick有时候是你最好的(或者至少是最快的)选项,但是你可以尝试不同的服务器。 Thin and mongrel seem to have good support and, based on what others with this problem are saying, appear not to do a reverse DNS lookup. 瘦和杂种似乎有很好的支持,并根据这个问题的其他人说,似乎不进行反向DNS查找。 I haven't tried these approaches, so I don't know for sure how good they are. 我没有尝试过这些方法,所以我不确定它们有多好。

This can be done without root-level permissions. 这可以在没有根级权限的情况下完成。

For me the slowness of Rails 4 (1 second+ for each asset 304) on an Ubuntu guest VM turned out to be Virtualbox shared folders . 对我来说,Ubuntu来宾VM上的Rails 4(每个资产304的1秒+)的缓慢结果是Virtualbox共享文件夹 Found that cause in this thread , moving away from shared folders fixed the speed issue for me. 发现原因在这个线程中 ,远离共享文件夹为我修复了速度问题。

我正在使用带有8 ram,250g ssd的windows10家庭版,当我在ubuntu服务器16的虚拟盒子上运行Rails4.x(瘦)时,我发现渲染时间非常慢,大多长达4 - 5秒,最后我感动了rails项目从主机共享文件夹到Virtualbox vm里面,现在变得非常快。

Edit your Gemfile to add: 编辑您的Gemfile以添加:

gem 'mongrel'

bundle install

rails s -> will use mongrel instead of webrick and be lightning fast.

I liked Scott's answer of just switching to mongrel, but if you're using a modern version of ruby (> 1.9.1), mongrel is no longer supported. 我喜欢Scott的回答只是转换为mongrel,但如果你使用现代版本的ruby(> 1.9.1),则不再支持mongrel。 ( Install Mongrel in Ruby 1.9.3 ) 在Ruby 1.9.3中安装Mongrel

I switched over to thin - http://code.macournoyer.com/thin/ 我切换到瘦 - http://code.macournoyer.com/thin/

sudo gem install thin sudo gem安装瘦

thin start 薄的开始

and it's super snappy for me. 这对我来说非常活泼。


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