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[英]perl - redirect system command to a file

I have this perl code below, basically want to loop through these 2 files. 我下面有这个perl代码,基本上想遍历这2个文件。 Then call a bash script (it takes the file and a delimiter as arguments and it prints out multiple lines) and then save all output from that command into a new file (with filename having '_processed' tacked on the end). 然后调用bash脚本(它将文件和分隔符作为参数,并打印出多行),然后将该命令的所有输出保存到新文件中(文件名的末尾加上“ _processed”)。 What is wrong with the below syntax (at the moment it just creates a blank file)? 以下语法有什么问题(目前它仅创建一个空白文件)?

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;

my(@files) = (
"fixedtt.txt '|'",
"delimd2iffpipe.dat '|'"
for my $i (0 .. $#files) {
    my($filename) = split /[\s]+/, "$files[$i]", 2;
    my($name, $type) = split /[\.]+/, "$filename", 2;
    open (MYFILE, '>'."$name".'_processed.'."$type");
    system("sh myBashScript.sh $files[$i]");   #I want to write the entire output of this command to a file
    close (MYFILE); 

You can redirect the output of a terminal command by preceding it with > <file name> . 您可以在终端命令的输出之前加上> <file name>来重定向输出。 Ergo: Ergo:

system("sh myBashScript.sh $files[$i]");

Becomes: 成为:

system("sh myBashScript.sh $files[$i] > file.txt");

You seem to be confused with how perl writes to files. 您似乎对perl如何写入文件感到困惑。 Your open and close on the MYFILE handle will only create an empty file. 您在MYFILE句柄上的openclose将仅创建一个空文件。 system does not do anything to that file within perl. system在perl中不对该文件执行任何操作。 (Though I cannot say what your sh-script does with it). (尽管我不能说出您的sh脚本是如何处理的)。

Some pointers: 一些指针:

  • You are using the indexes of @files instead of the elements, which reduces readability for no reason, since the indexes themselves are not used anywhere. 您正在使用@files的索引而不是元素,这会无缘无故地降低可读性,因为索引本身并未在任何地方使用。
  • You are using split to extract file name and extension, and I assume there's a reason for that. 您正在使用split提取文件名和扩展名,我认为这是有原因的。 However, there's no need to set LIMIT to 2, since you are only ever using the first one or two elements from that split. 但是,由于您仅使用该拆分中的前一个或两个元素,因此无需将LIMIT设置为2。
  • When you only have one character (or character class, eg \\s ), the brackets are not needed. 如果只有一个字符(或字符类,例如\\s ),则不需要括号。 So, use \\s instead of [\\s] . 因此,使用\\s代替[\\s]
  • It is recommended to use the three-argument open with a lexical file handle. 建议使用带有词法文件句柄的三参数open
  • Capturing output (to stdout) is done with backticks or qx() . 使用反引号或qx()捕获输出(到stdout system only returns the return value of the system call. system仅返回系统调用的返回值。 dunsmoreb is correct that you can simply redirect in the shell to create the file, but this is how it's done inside perl. dunsmoreb是正确的,您可以直接在shell中重定向以创建文件,但这是在perl中完成的。

If I were to guess, I'd say you were trying to write the output of the bash script to the file you are attempting to open, in which case you should do: 如果我猜到了,我会说您正在尝试将bash脚本的输出写入尝试打开的文件,在这种情况下,您应该这样做:

my @files = (
    "fixedtt.txt '|'",
    "delimd2iffpipe.dat '|'"
for my $args (@files) {
    my ($filename)    = split ' ', $args;
    $filename =~ s/\./_processed./;
    open my $fh, '>', $filename or die $!;
    print $fh qx(sh myBashScript.sh $args);
    close $fh; 

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