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[英]trying to figure out how authentication is performed in this example

I am looking at some example code and can't figure out how authentication is done. 我正在查看一些示例代码,但无法弄清楚如何完成身份验证。

Any ideas how this simple code authenticates users? 任何想法,这个简单的代码如何验证用户身份?

Thanks, 谢谢,

 <script type='text/javascript'>
      window._auth_token_name = "authenticity_token";
      window._auth_token = "k0d6elNSSvaejR63eiqcZrv3O8fU/6VL2kvoqmpdO6k=";


    <div id="messages">
      <div id="info"></div>
      <div id="error"></div>
    <div id="header">

    <div id="center">
  <form action="/admin/login" class="new_user" id="new_user" method="post"><div style="margin:0;padding:0;display:inline"><input name="authenticity_token" type="hidden" value="k0d6elNSSvaejR63eiqcZrv3O8fU/6VL2kvoqmpdO6k=" /></div>
      <td><input id="user_username" name="user[username]" size="30" type="text" /></td>
      <td><input id="user_password" name="user[password]" size="30" type="password" />
      <td colspan="2">
        <input id="user_submit" name="commit" type="submit" value="Log in" />

that simple code does not authenticate anything, It's simply a html page with a form to submit. 那个简单的代码不会对任何内容进行身份验证,它只是一个带有提交表单的html页面。 The authentication process takes place on a server at this route: /admin/login 身份验证过程在服务器上通过以下路径进行: /admin/login

the server could be anything.. php, ruby on rails etc 服务器可以是任何东西.. php,ruby上的ruby等

The authentication is done on the server side in the code that responds to the action admin/login. 身份验证在响应操作admin / login的代码中的服务器端完成。 The authenticity you see on the page is to prevent cross site scripting and is in no way connected to the login. 您在页面上看到的真实性是为了防止跨站点脚本编写,并且与登录名绝对无关。

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