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[英]How to make double click & single click event for link button of Asp.net control?

Consider the following: 考虑以下:

protected void dgTask_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
    if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
        LinkButton btn = (LinkButton)e.Row.Cells[4].FindControl("lnkBtnEdit");

        btn.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return Test();");

Instead of a single click, how can I make it double click while clicking on the link button? 而不是单击,如何在单击链接按钮时双击它?

Edited 编辑

I have tried with the solution presented by *competent_tech* but the problem is that in that case it will intercept the single click. 我尝试过使用* competent_tech *提出的解决方案,但问题是在这种情况下它会拦截单击。

I need to do some operation on single click and something else on double click. 我需要在单击时进行一些操作,双击时需要进行其他操作。 Please help me. 请帮我。

Thanks 谢谢

You'd have to do something like this. 你必须做这样的事情。

Code behind. 代码背后。

Linkbutton btn;
btn.Attributes.Add("onClick", "OnClick();");

then in your javascript you'll need to define the OnClick function like this 然后在你的javascript中你需要像这样定义OnClick函数

var clickCount = 0;
var timeoutID  = 0;

function OnClick()

    if (clickCount >= 2) {
       clickCount = 0;          //reset clickCount
       clearTimeout(timeoutID); //stop the single click callback from being called
       DoubleClickFunction();   //perform your double click action
    else if (clickCount == 1) {
       //create a callback that will be called in a few miliseconds
       //the callback time determines how long the user has to click a second time

       var callBack = function(){ 
                         //make sure this wasn't fired at
                         //the same time they double clicked
                         if (clickCount == 1) {      
                            clickCount = 0;         //reset the clickCount
                            SingleClickFunction();  //perform your single click action

       //This will call the callBack function in 500 milliseconds (1/2 second).
       //If by that time they haven't clicked the LinkButton again
       //We will perform the single click action. You can adjust the
       //Time here to control how quickly the user has to double click.
       timeoutID = setTimeout(callBack, 500); 

You can either put the javascript directly into your .aspx file or add it dynamically when you add the LinkButton to the page. 您可以将javascript直接放入.aspx文件中,也可以在将LinkBut​​ton添加到页面时动态添加。 If you need to perform some action on the server side when the user single clicks or double clicks you can use the __doPostBack method. 如果您需要在用户单击或双击时在服务器端执行某些操作,则可以使用__doPostBack方法。 See here for more info on that. 有关详细信息,请参见此处

The problem with my approach is that the user will always have to wait the entire callback time before their single click action is performed. 我的方法的问题是用户将始终必须等待整个回调时间才能执行单击操作。 I don't see any way around this as long as you are using single click/double click to distinguish what the user wants. 只要您使用单击/双击来区分用户想要的内容,我就没有看到任何解决方法。 If you find this delay to be too big of a problem you could always try something like click/shift+click to alternate between the actions. 如果您发现此延迟太大而无法解决问题,您可以尝试点击/移动+点击以在操作之间切换。 It probably wouldn't be as intuitive that way but you would immediately know what the user wants and could respond immediately instead of waiting to see if the user clicks a second time. 它可能不会那么直观,但你会立即知道用户想要什么,并且可以立即响应,而不是等待用户第二次点击。

Let me know if you have any questions. 如果您有任何疑问,请告诉我。

Short answer: No, you cannot do that. 简答:不,你做不到。

Long answer: You cannot do that because a double click is effectively 2 single clicks. 答案很长:你不能这样做,因为双击实际上是2次单击。 There are plenty of hacks (such as timer based approaches) that you can find which attempt to do this, but if you choose them, be aware that this is always going to be a non-reliable and risky behavior. 有很多黑客(比如基于计时器的方法)可以找到哪些尝试做到这一点,但如果你选择它们,请注意这总是一个不可靠和冒险的行为。

As per quirksmode.org , here's the sequence of events for a double click: 根据quirksmode.org ,这是双击的事件序列:

  1. mousedown 鼠标按下
  2. mouseup 鼠标松开
  3. click 点击
  4. mousedown 鼠标按下
  5. mouseup 鼠标松开
  6. click 点击
  7. dblclick DBLCLICK

Even this order is not consistent amongst browsers. 即使这个顺序在浏览器中也不一致。 There is simple no reliable way of detecting both click and double click on the same element. 没有可靠的方法来检测同一元素的点击和双击。

Quoting quirksmode.org : 引用quirksmode.org

Don't register click and dblclick events on the same element: it's impossible to distinguish single-click events from click events that lead to a dblclick event. 不要在同一元素上注册click和dblclick事件:不可能将单击事件与导致dblclick事件的单击事件区分开来。

And per jQuery : 并根据jQuery

It is inadvisable to bind handlers to both the click and dblclick events for the same element. 将处理程序绑定到同一元素的click和dblclick事件是不可取的。 The sequence of events triggered varies from browser to browser, with some receiving two click events before the dblclick and others only one. 触发的事件序列因浏览器而异,有些事件在dblclick之前接收到两个点击事件,而其他事件只接收一个事件。 Double-click sensitivity (maximum time between clicks that is detected as a double click) can vary by operating system and browser, and is often user-configurable. 双击敏感度(双击检测到的点击之间的最长时间)可能因操作系统和浏览器而异,通常可由用户配置。

Your best bet is to redesign the workflow so that you use something else (rather than number of clicks) to rely on. 您最好的选择是重新设计工作流程,以便您可以依赖其他内容(而不是点击次数)。

Try using ondblclick instead of onclick . 尝试使用ondblclick而不是onclick

To make this work correctly, you also have to intercept onclick and return false so that the automatic navigation does not take place: 为了使其正常工作,您还必须拦截onclick并返回false,以便不进行自动导航:

        LinkButton1.Attributes.Add("ondblclick", @"alert('test');");
        LinkButton1.Attributes.Add("onclick", @"return false;");

http://jsfiddle.net/XfJDK/2/ http://jsfiddle.net/XfJDK/2/

<div onClick="return OnClick();">click me</div>
<div id="eventText">...</div>

var clicks = 0;

function OnClick() {

    if (clicks == 1) 
        setTimeout("RunRealCode();", 300); // schedule real code, allowing for 300ms for 2nd optional click

    setTimeout("clicks = 0;", 350); // click timeout of 300 + 50 ms

function RunRealCode() {
        if (clicks == 2)
        else if (clicks == 1) 

Try to get the count of the click and try to perform an operation.i think ondbclick can be implemented through javascript. 尝试获取点击次数并尝试执行操作。我认为ondbclick可以通过javascript实现。

int count = 0;
if(btn.Click == true)
  if(count == 2)
        // Perform the logic here

EDIT: What competent_tech said is right.you can perform that logic 编辑:competent_tech说的是对的。你可以执行这个逻辑


LinkButton1.Attributes.Add("ondblclick","yourfunction()"); LinkButton1.Attributes.Add("onclick", @"return false;");

I have placed the example javascript code here. 我在这里放置了示例javascript代码。

http://jsbin.com/ubimol/2/edit http://jsbin.com/ubimol/2/edit

Html: HTML:

  <input id="sin" type="button" value="Edit" onclick="singleClick();return false;"/>
    <input id="dou" style="display:none" type="button" value="Edit" onclick="doubleClick();return false;" />

Javascript: 使用Javascript:

var isDoubleClick = false;
function singleClick(){

  //wait for 500 milliseconds.
  setTimeout("waitForSecondClick()", 500);


    function waitForSecondClick(){
    if(isDoubleClick == false){
       alert("this is a sinle click event, perform single click functionality");

      isDoubleClick = false; //Reset

    function doubleClick(){
      isDoubleClick = true;

      alert("this is a double click event, perform double click funcitonality");


By introducing second button with same value, the solution is stable, but require some extra coding. 通过引入具有相同值的第二个按钮,解决方案是稳定的,但需要一些额外的编码。


In testing your example above, I found that the form the GridView is contained in gets submitted every time you click the LinkButton . 在测试上面的示例时,我发现每次单击LinkButton时都会提交GridView包含的表单。 To work around this I have used the following code. 为了解决这个问题,我使用了以下代码。

The following script will count each time the user clicks the link. 每次用户单击链接时,将计算以下脚本。

<script type="text/javascript">    
    var clickNo = 0;    

    function clickCounter() {    
        if (clickNo == 2) {    
            alert("Double Click");    
            clickNo = 0;    

We cancel the form submission so that we can track the number of times the user clicks the link. 我们取消表单提交,以便跟踪用户点击链接的次数。 This may cause problems with your page, but appears to be the reason why the double clicks cannot be tracked. 这可能会导致您的网页出现问题,但这似乎是无法跟踪双击的原因。

<form id="form1" runat="server" onsubmit="return false;">    

I created a template field in a GridView control to show both the single click and double click buttons. 我在GridView控件中创建了一个模板字段,以显示单击和双击按钮。

<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Edit">    
        <asp:LinkButton ID="lnkBtnEdit" runat="server">LinkButton</asp:LinkButton>    
        <asp:LinkButton ID="lnkBtnEditDouble" runat="server">LinkButton</asp:LinkButton>    

In the code behind the page we add the javascript code for a single click and the javascript code for a double click. 在页面背后的代码,我们添加javascript代码,对于单次点击和javascript代码,双击。 Please note: the Cell reference is set to 2 whereas in your example it was 4, due to the limited columns I used in my testing. 请注意:Cell引用设置为2,而在您的示例中它是4,因为我在测试中使用的列数有限。

    if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)    
        // Please note: the value in Cells has changed for my testing data.    
        LinkButton btn = (LinkButton)e.Row.Cells[2].FindControl("lnkBtnEdit");    

        btn.Attributes.Add("onclick", "javascript:alert('Single Click');");    

        LinkButton btnDouble = (LinkButton)e.Row.Cells[2].FindControl("lnkBtnEditDouble");    

        btnDouble.Attributes.Add("onclick", "javascript:clickCounter();");    
catch (Exception ex)    

This should allow you to capture double clicks on some links and single clicks on others. 这应该允许您捕获某些链接上的双击和单击其他链接。 However, as mentioned above, the form submission is now cancelled and you will need to find another method to submit your data if you are to use the above code. 但是,如上所述,表单提交现已取消,如果您要使用上述代码,则需要找到另一种方法来提交数据。

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