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将Windows窗体应用程序移植到Windows Phone 7.5 Mango

[英]Porting windows form application to Windows Phone 7.5 Mango

We have an application written in C# (.Net 2.0). 我们有一个用C#(.Net 2.0)编写的应用程序。 MS-Access as database and crystal report for reporting. MS-Access作为数据库和水晶报表进行报告。 I have to port it to Windows Phone 7 (Target mobile is LUMIA 800). 我必须将其移植到Windows Phone 7(目标移动设备是LUMIA 800)。

My concerns are: 我担心的是:

  1. Does Crystal report work on windows phone 7? Crystal Report是否可以在Windows Phone 7上使用?
  2. Can I connect app to MS-Access in same way that I am connecting it on computer? 我可以像在计算机上连接应用程序一样将应用程序连接到MS-Access吗?

bad news, you have to start from scratch as WP7 only support SilverLight apps (XNA too, but it's for games). 坏消息是,您必须从头开始,因为WP7仅支持SilverLight应用程序(也支持XNA,但它适用于游戏)。 Moreover, you won't be able to connects to access directly. 此外,您将无法连接直接访问。

A classic Data application on WP7 will use some Web Services hosted on a server that will provides all data access, whichever is behind. WP7上的经典Data应用程序将使用托管在服务器上的某些Web服务,该服务器将提供所有数据访问权限,以后端为准。 Then the WP7 will query the WS to get/put data. 然后,WP7将查询WS以获取/放入数据。

I'd suggest you to take a look at WCF RIA Services , but you have to understand it's a high learning curve starting from Windows Forms skills. 我建议您看一下WCF RIA Services ,但是您必须了解,这是从Windows Forms技能开始的高学习曲线。

  1. Does Crystal report work on windows phone 7 ? Crystal Report是否可以在Windows Phone 7上使用?

No, Crystal Reports are not supported on Windows Phone. 否,Windows Phone不支持Crystal Reports。 Nor are they suitable for presentation on a mobile device. 它们也不适合在移动设备上演示。

  1. Can I connect app to MS-Access in same way as I am connecting it on computer? 我可以像在计算机上连接应用程序一样将应用程序连接到MS-Access吗?

Microsoft Access isn't supported on Windows Phone. Windows Phone不支持Microsoft Access。 You can connect to remote databases, as described by Steve, but for local data storage, you would have to convert your data. 您可以按照Steve的描述连接到远程数据库,但是对于本地数据存储,则必须转换数据。

Also, the UI and the entire User Experience (UX) for a mobile application is vastly different than for a desktop application, and as such you would want to start from scratch regardless. 此外,移动应用程序的UI和整个用户体验(UX)与台式机应用程序有很大不同,因此无论如何您都希望从头开始。

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