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[英]Trouble iterating a function with one input and two outputs on Matlab

I've created a function (name it MyFunction) which, given a matrix A, outputs two matrices B and C ie [BC] = MyFunction(A). 我创建了一个函数(命名为MyFunction),给定矩阵A,该函数输出两个矩阵B和C,即[BC] = MyFunction(A)。

I'm trying to create another function which, when given a matrix A, will calculate MyFunction(A) and then calculate MyFunction(B) = [DE] and MyFunction(C) = [FG], and then calculate MyFunction(D), MyFunction(E), MyFunction(F) and MyFunction(G), and so on, until the matrices it outputs start to repeat. 我正在尝试创建另一个函数,给定矩阵A时,将计算MyFunction(A),然后计算MyFunction(B)= [DE],然后计算MyFunction(C)= [FG],然后计算MyFunction(D) ,MyFunction(E),MyFunction(F)和MyFunction(G)等,直到输出的矩阵开始重复。 I know this process necessarily terminates. 我知道这个过程一定会终止。

I'm really having difficulty constructing this code. 我真的很难构造这段代码。 Any advice would be really appreciated. 任何建议将不胜感激。

I think what you're trying to do is binary tree recursion. 我认为您要尝试的是二叉树递归。 It's hard to give a good solution without knowing more about the problem, especially without knowing what you want as the output of this process. 在不了解更多问题的情况下,尤其是在不知道要作为此过程的输出结果的情况下,很难给出好的解决方案。

I whipped this up to give an example of how you could do this. 我对此进行了举例说明,以举例说明您如何执行此操作。 It's not necessarily the most efficient because it stores all of the results at every step. 它不一定是最有效的,因为它存储了每一步的所有结果。 Given an input matrix A, it calculates a 2-output function [B, C] = MyFunction(A) and looks for either isequal(A, B) or isequal(A, C) . 给定输入矩阵A,它会计算2输出函数[B, C] = MyFunction(A)并查找isequal(A, B)isequal(A, C) When that occurs, it outputs the depth of the tree at that point, ie how many iterations had to occur before there was a repetition. 发生这种情况时,它将输出该点的树的深度,即在重复之前必须进行多少次迭代。 The bit with global variables is just so that I could do a simple example with an easy fixed point (the k'th iteration is just A^k). 带有全局变量的位只是为了让我可以用一个简单的固定点做一个简单的例子(第k个迭代只是A ^ k)。 It will iterate a maximum of 10 times. 最多将重复10次。

function depth = myRecursor(A)

global A_orig;
A_orig = A;

depth = 1;
max_depth = 10;

pvs_level = cell(1);
pvs_level{1} = A;

while depth < max_depth,
    this_level = cell(2*length(pvs_level), 1);     
    for ix = 1 : length(pvs_level),
        [B, C] = MyFunction(pvs_level{ix})
        if isequal(B, A) || isequal(C, A),
        this_level{2*ix - 1} = B;
        this_level{2*ix} = C;
    depth = depth + 1;
    pvs_level = this_level;

function [B, C] = MyFunction(A)

global A_orig;

B = A_orig*A;
C = 2*A;

So, for example myRecursor(eye(2)) gives 1 (duh) and myRecursor([0 1; 1 0]) gives 2. 因此,例如myRecursor(eye(2))给出1(duh),而myRecursor([0 1; 1 0])得到2。

I think you should use cells: 我认为您应该使用单元格:

function [B]=Myfunction(A)
  for n=1:numel(A)
    B{n}=func1(A{n}) %%% put some processing here
    B{numel(A)+n}=func2(A{n})  %%% put some other processing here

EDIT: rewritten wrong alg 编辑:改写错误的算法

function [list] = newFunction(A)   % returns all matrix generated matrix


ii = 1;

    [B C] = myFunction(list{ii});
    list = list{list{:}, B, C};

    for jj=1:numel(list)-2
       if(all(all(list{jj}==B)) || all(all(list{jj}==C)))
           done = 1;



UPDATE: a more general way to handle an unknown number of outputs is to modify myFunction so that it outputs all matrices within a single cell vector. 更新:处理未知数量的输出的一种更通用的方法是修改myFunction ,以使其输出单个单元格向量内的所有矩阵。 This way you can concatenate list this way: 这样,您可以通过以下方式连接列表:

[newMat] = myFunctions(list{ii}); % where newMat={B,C,...}
list = {list{:}, newMat{:}}; % or list=cat(2,list,newMat)

for jj=1:numel(list)-numel(newMat)
    for nn=1:numel(newMat) % checking for repetitions

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