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[英]I have two loops that are clashing

I have two loops that are controlling two pieces of functionality on the site I am developing. 我有两个循环来控制我正在开发的站点上的两个功能。 The second loop is voiding out the second and causing me to lose some vital functionality. 第二个循环使第二个循环无效,并使我失去一些重要的功能。 The two loops are as follows: 这两个循环如下:

//LOOP 1 //循环1

function showHide(d) {
    var onediv = document.getElementById(d);
    var divs = ['content1', 'content2', 'content3', 'content4', 'content5', 'content6', 'content7', 'content8'];
    for (var i = 0; i < divs.length; i++) {
        if (onediv != document.getElementById(divs[i])) {
            document.getElementById(divs[i]).style.display = 'none';
    onediv.style.display = 'block';

// LOOP 2 //循环2

function active(clickedLink) {
    var links = document.getElementsByTagName('A');
    for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
        links[i].className = ''
    clickedLink.className = 'active';

Anyways, essentially, these two loops control some hidden div's and the links that show those divs. 无论如何,从本质上讲,这两个循环控制着一些隐藏的div和显示这些div的链接。

The one loop is a showHide loop to obviously show and hide the div's when clicked on or rolled over, and the other is a little loop to keep the active state of the links after clicked on (the active div link will have a background color) 一个循环是showHide循环,可在单击或滚动时明显显示和隐藏div,另一个循环是一个小循环,可在单击后保持链接的活动状态(活动div链接将具有背景色)

The problem is that my layout wasn't ideal for the rollovers, so I removed them, no big deal right? 问题是我的布局不适用于翻转,因此我删除了它们,没什么大不了的吗? Well now the click (click a link and it shows the div that was clicked) feature isn't working. 现在,单击(单击链接,它会显示被单击的div)功能不起作用。 These two loops have to be clashing, because when I delete the second loop (the function(active) one) the click feature starts working again. 这两个循环必须冲突,因为当我删除第二个循环(功能(活动)一个)时,单击功能再次开始起作用。

Here is my HTML: 这是我的HTML:

<div id="left-side-links">

                <li><a href="javascript:showHide('content1');" onclick="active(this); return false;" class="link" id="link1">Healthcare</a></li>
                <li><a href="javascript:showHide('content2');" onclick="active(this); return false;" class="link" id="link2">Pharmaceutical Retail</a></li>
                <li><a href="javascript:showHide('content3');" onclick="active(this); return false;" class="link" id="link3">Manufacturing</a></li>
                <li><a href="javascript:showHide('content4');" onclick="active(this); return false;" class="link" id="link4">Hospitality</a></li>


            <div id="right-side-links">

                <li><a href="javascript:showHide('content5');" onclick="active(this); return false;" class="link" id="link5">Entertainment</a></li>
                <li><a href="javascript:showHide('content6');" onclick="active(this); return false;" class="link" id="link6">Financial Services</a></li>
                <li><a href="javascript:showHide('content7');" onclick="active(this); return false;" class="link" id="link7">Oil, Gas & Energy</a></li>
                <li><a href="javascript:showHide('content8');" onclick="active(this); return false;" class="link" id="link8">Education Government</a></li>


            <div id="clear"></div>

            <div id="left-side-bottom">

                <img src="images/bottomright.png" alt="bottomright" width="" height=""/>



        <div id="right-side">   

            <div id="content1"><img src="images/cookie3.png" alt="cookie3" width="462" height=""/>

                <p>Plus 6’s extensive video rental options have just the solution for you.  When connected to our infrastructure, you will be linked to any standards based system worldwide.
                system is easy. Test 1  </p>
                <img src="images/Design1b.png" alt="Design1b" width="" height=""/>


            <div id="content2"><img src="images/casinoimage5.png" alt="casinoimage5" width="462" height=""/>

                <p>Plus 6’s extensive video rental options have just the solution for you.  When connected to our infrastructure, you will be linked to any standards based system worldwide.
                system is easy. Test 2  </p>
                <img src="images/Design1b.png" alt="Design1b" width="" height=""/>


            <div id="content3"><img src="images/FCF_Holidays.png" alt="FCF_Holidays" width="462" height=""/>

                <p>Plus 6’s extensive video rental options have just the solution for you.  When connected to our infrastructure, you will be linked to any standards based system worldwide.
                system is easy. Test3  </p>
                <img src="images/Design1b.png" alt="Design1b" width="" height=""/>


            <div id="content4"><img src="images/mick21.png" alt="mick21" width="462" height=""/>

                <p>Plus 6’s extensive video rental options have just the solution for you.  When connected to our infrastructure, you will be linked to any standards based system worldwide.
                system is easy. Test4  </p>
                <img src="images/Design1b.png" alt="Design1b" width="" height=""/>


            <div id="content5"><img src="images/cookie3.png" alt="cookie3" width="462" height=""/>

                <p>Plus 6’s extensive video rental options have just the solution for you.  When connected to our infrastructure, you will be linked to any standards based system worldwide.
                system is easy. Test5  </p>
                <img src="images/Design1b.png" alt="Design1b" width="" height=""/>


            <div id="content6"><img src="images/casinoimage5.png" alt="casinoimage5" width="462" height=""/>

                <p>Plus 6’s extensive video rental options have just the solution for you.  When connected to our infrastructure, you will be linked to any standards based system worldwide.
                system is easy. Test 6  </p>
                <img src="images/Design1b.png" alt="Design1b" width="" height=""/>


            <div id="content7"><img src="images/FCF_Holidays.png" alt="FCF_Holidays" width="462" height=""/>

                <p>Plus 6’s extensive video rental options have just the solution for you.  When connected to our infrastructure, you will be linked to any standards based system worldwide.
                system is easy. Test 7  </p>
                <img src="images/Design1b.png" alt="Design1b" width="" height=""/>


            <div id="content8"><img src="images/mick21.png" alt="mick21" width="462" height=""/>

                <p>Plus 6’s extensive video rental options have just the solution for you.  When connected to our infrastructure, you will be linked to any standards based system worldwide.
                system is easy. Test 8   </p>
                <img src="images/Design1b.png" alt="Design1b" width="" height=""/>




If you have any ideas, please let me know. 如果您有任何想法,请告诉我。 I'm sure it's something stupid and easy, but I'm new to javascript so I don't even really know what to search to figure it out. 我敢肯定这是愚蠢而简单的事情,但是我是javascript的新手,所以我什至不知道要搜索什么来弄清楚它。

Thanks! 谢谢! Mike Legacy 迈克·莱格西

I've tried running your code in my browser. 我尝试在浏览器中运行您的代码。

I think that you need to make the following change: 我认为您需要进行以下更改:

<a href="javascript:showHide('content1');" onclick="active(this); return false; "class="link" id="link1">Healthcare</a>

should instead be: 相反,应为:

<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="active(this); showHide('content1'); return false;" class="link" id="link1">Healthcare</a>

Please try making an analagous change for each link. 请尝试对每个链接进行类似的更改。 It doesn't make sense to use the href and onclick attributes at the same time. 同时使用hrefonclick属性没有意义。

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