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[英]jQuery: next() and prev() with a wrapper?

I have the following html: 我有以下html:

<article class="layer" id="one"> </article>
<article class="layer" id="two"> </article>
<article class="layer" id="three"> </article>

<section class="cat" id="something">    
    <article class="layer" id="four"> </article>
    <article class="layer" id="five"> </article>

<article class="layer" id="six"> </article>

I want to navigate with my keyboard through all articles. 我想用键盘浏览所有文章。 Like so … 像这样……

var view,

    $(document).keydown(function(e) {

        view = $('.layer:in-viewport');
        next = view.next().attr('id');
        prev = view.prev().attr('id');

        switch (e.keyCode) {
            case 38: // Up
                if ( prev != undefined )
                    scroll($("#"+prev), true, 0);
            case 40: // Down
                if ( next != undefined )
                    scroll($("#"+next), true, 0);


This would work fine if all articles would be in the same container. 如果所有文章都放在同一个容器中,则可以正常工作。 However as you can see above I have a also sections that wrap those articles. 但是,正如您在上面看到的那样,我还有一些包装这些文章的部分。 I simply want to make it work as if there were no such sections and article#three jumps straight to article#four 我只是想让它像没有这样的部分一样工作,而article#three article#four直接跳到article#four

Any idea how I could make that work? 知道我该怎么做吗?

edit: 编辑:

The thing causing the bug in Firefox … 导致Firefox错误的原因...

if ( top.location.hash ) {
        hash = top.location.hash.substring(3);
        catHash = hash.split('/')[1];

        if ( catHash !== undefined )
            scroll($("#"+catHash), false, 0);
            scroll($("#"+hash), false, 0);

        if ( hash != "index" && !isiPhone() )

Where only those 4 lines cause the bug … 只有这四行会导致错误……

if ( catHash !== undefined )
    scroll($("#"+catHash), false, 0);
    scroll($("#"+hash), false, 0);

This few lines only check on page-load if a hash is existing in the current top.location. 这几行仅在页面加载时检查当前top.location中是否存在哈希。 So if the url is looking like this www.something.com/#!/category/idOfElement I want to jump to that location on the page. 因此,如果该网址看起来像www.something.com/#!/category/idOfElement我想跳到页面上的该位置。

Why could those 4 lines cause this bug only in firefox? 为什么这4行仅在firefox中导致此错误?

The easiest way to select the "real" next <article> elements is by using the .index and .eq methods. 选择“真实的”下一个<article>元素的最简单方法是使用.index.eq方法。

var allArticles = $("article.layer");
var index = allArticles.index(view);   // Zero-based indexes. Not found = -1
var prev = index <= 0 ? $() : allArticles.eq(index-1);
var next = allArticles.eq(index + 1); 

Get a collection of all the articles, then on keypress find out which article is the current one and calculate next/prev based on their relative position(index) from the current article. 获取所有文章的集合,然后在按键上找出哪个文章是当前文章,并根据它们在当前文章中的相对位置(索引)计算下一个/上一个。 You'll need to be careful in handling the first/last article. 在处理第一篇/最后一篇文章时,您需要格外小心。

var $articles = $('.article');

$(document).keydown(function(e) {

    var view = $('.layer:in-viewport'),
        idx = $articles.index(view),
        prev = $articles.eq(Math.max(0,idx-1)),
        next = $articles.eq(Math.min(idx+1,$articles.length-1));

    switch (e.keyCode) {
        case 38: // Up
            if ( prev != undefined )
                scroll($("#"+prev), true, 0);
        case 40: // Down
            if ( next != undefined )
                scroll($("#"+next), true, 0);


You could also implement wrapping at the ends if you wanted. 如果需要,也可以在末尾实现环绕。

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