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Android与Google App Engine(Java)

[英]Android with google app engine (java)

I'm trying to connect my android application to the Google App Engine. 我正在尝试将我的android应用程序连接到Google App Engine。 I followed this google tutorial for a standard example. 我遵循了这个 Google教程中的标准示例。

My problem is that when I follow the tutorial correctly and I try to execute it, my server doesn't give me back a hello message . 我的问题是,当我正确地遵循本教程并尝试执行该教程时,我的服务器没有向我返回hello message In debug mode I discovered that my Async thread that contacts the server just doesn't execute. 在调试模式下,我发现与服务器联系的Async线程只是不执行。 Any thoughts? 有什么想法吗?

I get a Threadpoolexecutor.runworker popup with source not found. 我得到一个Threadpoolexecutor.runworker弹出窗口,但未找到源。


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