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[英]Multiple HTTP File Uploads

I'm looking for a tool to facilitate mulitple webpage file uploads from a single file browse dialogue. 我正在寻找一个工具,以便从单个文件浏览对话框中轻松上传多个网页文件。 I know this has been asked previously, but I can't find anything current. 我知道以前曾经问过,但是我找不到任何最新消息。

I'd like to check file size prior to upload, and I gather Flash is still the only way to do that cross-browser? 我想在上传之前检查文件大小,我收集Flash仍然是跨浏览器的唯一方法吗?

Ideally, I'd like an upload progress metre. 理想情况下,我想要一个上传进度表。 I'll be using Linux and Apache servers, but don't have access to install add-ons such as PHP APC. 我将使用Linux和Apache服务器,但无权安装诸如PHP APC之类的附加组件。 Again, I assume something flash-based is the only option there? 我再次假设基于闪存的东西是唯一的选择吗?

I've looked at SWFUpload, but that appears to be another of these projects where the developers have become quite zealous and turned a simple concept into a full suite of tools for the masses. 我看过SWFUpload,但这似乎是这些项目中的另一个,开发人员已经变得非常热心,并将一个简单的概念转变为一整套适用于大众的工具。 It seems quite cumbersome and I don't think I want to use it for my purpose. 这看起来很麻烦,我认为我不想将它用于我的目的。

I'd prefer not to have to write something from scratch for this. 我不想为此从头开始写东西。 Could someone recommend me something or perhaps suggest a non-Flash alternative if there is one? 有人可以向我推荐一些东西,或者如果有的话可能会建议使用非Flash替代品吗? I do need full cross-browser compatibility without too many layers of degradation, so anything HTML 5 probably isn't what I want. 我确实需要完全跨浏览器兼容性而没有太多的降级层,所以HTML 5可能不是我想要的。

Thanks 谢谢

正如我今天早些时候提到的( 多文件上传(客户端) )我是Plupload的忠实粉丝,它可以检查文件大小,显示进度条,多个文件的单个对话框,并在需要时支持除Flash之外的其他内容。

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