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不确定我的UML USE-CASE图是否正确

[英]Not sure if my UML USE-CASE diagram is correct

I've started learning UML but it confuses me sometimes (for example what i'm allowed or not to put in my USECASE diagram, last time i was wondering if logging in can be used in usecase diagram). 我已经开始学习UML,但有时会使我感到困惑(例如,上一次我想知道是否可以在用例图中使用登录功能时,我是否可以将其放入USECASE图中)。 Anyways i've made simple usecase diagram of e-learning platform, like lynda but you have to pay for individual course you'd like to take. 无论如何,我已经制作了像lynda这样的简单易用的电子学习平台用例图,但您必须为自己想参加的课程付费。 Any suggestions/corrections about my diagram? 关于我的图表有任何建议/更正吗? (i'd like to bring more usecases into it) (我想带进更多的用例)


as you know, a use case is a textual representation of a flow between a user and the system. 如您所知,用例是用户与系统之间流程的文本表示。 the use case should have a name that reflects that flow. 用例的名称应反映该流程。 when i look at your use case names i can see that you have understood this. 当我查看您的用例名称时,我可以看到您已经了解了这一点。 the names are all descriptive and well thought through. 名称都是描述性的,经过深思熟虑的。 well done! 做得好!

so, about use case diagrams: the purpose of a use case diagram is to make it easier to understand what use cases there are, and what type of users the use cases are intended for . 因此,关于用例图:用例图的目的是使您更容易理解用例的用途以及用例的目标用户类型 because of this, the arrows always go from an actor to a use case. 因此,箭头始终参与者用例。

sometimes an actor can be a separate system, and then it should be included in the use case diagram as an actor, with a name that hints to the actor being a system. 有时,参与者可以是一个单独的系统,然后应将其作为参与者包含在用例图中,其名称暗示参与者是系统。 if a group of persons for some reason could have a name that include the word 'system', i think it should be clarified that the actor portraying that group of persons is not an actual system, although the name of the actor hints to it being a separate system. 如果一群人由于某种原因可能有一个包括“系统”一词的名字,我认为应该澄清的是,描绘那个人的演员不是一个实际的系统,尽管演员的名字暗示它是一个单独的系统。

I would split that Usecase called Register/Login into two separate Usecases. 我将称为Register/Login拆分为两个单独的用例。 I think these steps are two separate actions and need different steps to execute. 我认为这些步骤是两个单独的动作,需要执行不同的步骤。 This way you are also able to transform the Usecases to Composites. 这样,您还可以将用例转换为复合。

We often do it this way: 我们经常这样:

  • Create the Usecase 创建用例
  • Create an Activity Diagram with the same name 创建一个具有相同名称的活动图
  • Right-click on the Usecase 右键单击用例
  • Advanced 高级
  • Make Composite 使复合

Then you could add more detailed steps on how to implement/execute the certain Usecase in the Activity Diagram. 然后,您可以在活动图中添加有关如何实现/执行特定用例的更多详细步骤。

This answer is specific to Enterprise Architect of course. 当然,这个答案是特定于企业架构师的。

Login is not a user goal. 登录不是用户目标。 Login is necessary to be able to satify the user goal of register. 必须登录才能满足注册用户的目的。 If a user logged in, did nothing else, and logged out, what value does that provide? 如果用户登录,什么也没有做,然后注销,那将提供什么价值? None. 没有。

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