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[英]How do I stop Xcode from letting me edit old projects in new projects

I am new to Xcode and have been trying to make various projects to get acquainted with it. 我是Xcode的新手,并一直在尝试进行各种项目来熟悉它。 So I have this one project called calc and it is a calculator. 因此,我有一个名为calc的项目,它是一个计算器。 Now I'm trying to make another calculator app that is different but when I'm making the code in viewcontroller.h I will type similar lines of code and when I do it indicates with a little grey dot with a circle around it that I'm connected to my older project. 现在,我试图制作另一个与众不同的计算器应用程序,但是当我在viewcontroller.h编写代码时,我将键入类似的代码行,并且当我这样做时,它会在周围带有圆圈的灰色小点表示已连接到我的旧项目。 When i click it it gives me links to other objects that are in different projects. 当我单击它时,它为我提供了指向不同项目中其他对象的链接。

The dot: 点:


That dot indicates that your IBOutlet is connected up to a xib file. 该点表示您的IBOutlet已连接到xib文件。

When you created your new project. 当您创建新项目时。 Did you drag some old files into your new project? 您是否将一些旧文件拖到新项目中? Then when you did that did you leave the 然后,当您这样做时,您离开了

Copy items into destination group's folder (if needed)

check box unchecked? 复选框未选中? Because then you would have files that are from other projects. 因为那样您将拥有来自其他项目的文件。 If you wanted a copy of the files you should check the previously mentioned check box when copying files across. 如果要复制文件,则在复制文件时应选中前面提到的复选框。

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