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PHP AND语句的简写语法

[英]PHP Shorthand Syntax to AND statements

I am trying to implement the logical connective AND, and was wondering if this shorthand notation is allowed: 我正在尝试实现逻辑连接AND,并且想知道是否允许使用这种速记符号:

$hasPermissions &= user_hasAppPermission($user_id, $permission);

Or do i have to do this: 还是我必须这样做:

$hasPermissions = $hasPermissions && user_hasAppPermission($user_id, $permission);

The shorthand &= is a bitwise assignment operation , which is not equivalent to your second statement. 简写&=按位分配操作 ,不等同于第二条语句。 That would be the same as doing (note the single ampersand): 这将与执行操作相同(请注意单个“&”号):

$hasPermissions = $hasPermissions & user_hasAppPermission($user_id, $permission);

From what I can see, your "long" statement seems fine as is. 从我所看到的,您的“长”语句按原样看起来还不错。

In PHP, these logical operations are available: 在PHP中,这些逻辑操作可用:


$val1 && $val2
$val1 and $val2

OR 要么

$val1 || $val2
$val1 or $val2


! $val

XOR 异或

$val1 xor $val2

Additionally, have a look at this page . 另外, 请看此页面 The two operators && and || 两个运算符&&|| have a different precedence as and and or . andor优先级不同。

Thus, your second option is the way to go: 因此,您的第二个选择是方法:

$hasPermissions = $hasPermissions && user_hasAppPermission($user_id, $permission);

BTW: I'd propose to always use === to compare for equality . 顺便说一句:我建议始终使用===进行相等性比较 === ensures that the types of its operands are identical and the values are, while == casts values. ===确保其操作数的类型相同且值相同,而==强制转换值。


$hasPermissions = (($hasPermissions) && (true === user_hasAppPermission($user_id, $permission))) ? true : false;

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