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PHP mysql查询不生成结果

[英]PHP mysql query not producing result

I have a problem with the below query not producing a result. 我有一个问题,以下查询不生成结果。 There is nothing wrong with the query. 查询没有任何问题。 But it is being run after a lot of other time and memory consuming instructions within a PHP script. 但它是在PHP脚本中经过许多其他时间和内存消耗指令后运行的。 If I restrict the number of operations performed in the script before this query is executed, it works. 如果我在执行此查询之前限制脚本中执行的操作数,则它可以正常工作。

How do I find out what the problem is? 我如何找出问题所在? Is there a way to be notified if the script exceeds memory or execution time limitations? 如果脚本超出内存或执行时间限制,是否有通知的方法? Or could there be another reason? 或者还有其他原因吗?

$query="SELECT * FROM user" or die(mysql_error());

else //error

or die(mysql_error()) should be added after the query is executed: 执行查询后应添加or die(mysql_error())

$query="SELECT * FROM user";
$result=mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());

Also, the else will never execute because you die() before that. 此外,else永远不会执行因为你之前die()

I suggest this: 我建议这个:

$query="SELECT * FROM user";

else //error

You are using or with string. 您正在使用or使用字符串。

$query="SELECT * FROM user";

else //error

First of all, you can always check if there is a mysql error by using mysql_error() which returns the mysql error string if it exists. 首先,您可以使用mysql_error()来检查是否存在mysql错误,如果mysql错误字符串存在,则返回该错误字符串。

Second, to see if your query returned any rows, use mysql_num_rows($result) > 0 . 其次,要查看您的查询是否返回任何行,请使用mysql_num_rows($result) > 0

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