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如何记录CoreData SQL查询?

[英]How to log CoreData SQL queries?


是的,你可以通过将-com.apple.CoreData.SQLDebug 1放到“启动时传递的参数”来做到这一点

I also found out that you can also get sql file out of your Documents folder. 我还发现你也可以从你的Documents文件夹中获取sql文件。 Open Terminal and paste this line in (replace values in slash-brackets with yours): 打开终端并粘贴此行(用你的斜杠替换值):

/Users/<YourUsername>/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/<SimulatorVersion>/Applications/<AppID>/Documents/<SQLDBName>.sqlite

Just open file in your favorite SQL query browser. 只需在您喜欢的SQL查询浏览器中打开文件。

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