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[英]jQuery.css() not applying to element

Recently I have been trying to delve into advanced (well for me) programming concepts like abstraction and functional programming etc. This has led me to experimenting w/ anon functions. 最近,我一直在努力深入研究高级(对我来说)编程概念,如抽象和函数式编程等。这使我尝试了w / anon函数。

I have a situation where dynamically generated values are not being applied to a targeted element via an anonymous function using .css({}) . 我有一种情况,动态生成的值没有通过使用.css({})的匿名函数应用于目标元素。 I think it has something to do with false translations w/ object literals from my research. 我认为这与我的研究中的对象文字的错误翻译有关。

Neither Chrome nor FF consoles are throwing any errors so here I am to ask the experts. Chrome和FF控制台都没有出现任何错误,所以我在这里问专家。

I made a fiddle, but it was not working very well. 我做了一个小提琴,但效果不好。 I am just going to link the resources involved on the dev site. 我只想链接开发站点上涉及的资源。

This is my dev site that I use to play/experiment and try out new things. 这是我用来玩/试验和尝试新事物的开发网站。

http://dev/kenstowell.net HTTP://dev/kenstowell.net

The js file: http://dev.kenstowell.net/scripts/scripts.js js文件: http//dev.kenstowell.net/scripts/scripts.js

Everything can be found through the debugger console, of course. 当然,一切都可以通过调试器控制台找到。

Ok, so here is what the intended behavior is: 好的,所以这是预期的行为:

  1. On the (window).load , initDOM() is called. (window).load initDOM()initDOM()

    $(window).load(function(){ //Style Initial Dom Elements initDOM(); });

  2. Inside of initDom() , I attempt to set the top margin in relation to the parent container by calling setElemMargin() and supplying it with the appropriate params. initDom()内部,我尝试通过调用setElemMargin()并为其提供适当的参数来设置相对于父容器的上边距。

    setElemMarg("#main-content-one", "#intro-text", "#intro-text", "margin-top");

  3. setElemMarg() gets the height of the supplied args and uses them to calculate the margin to be set in the .css() map. setElemMarg()获取提供的args的高度,并使用它们计算要在.css()映射中设置的边距。

    var setElemMarg = function(elem1, elem2, elemTrgt, propName){
    var margH = (getH(elem1) - getH(elem2)) / 2;
    $(elemTrgt).css({propName : margH});
    console.log(elem1, elem2, elemTrgt, propName, margH); }

    var getH = function(elem){ return $(elem).height(); console.log($(elem).height()); }

  4. apply the calculated margin to margin-top . 将计算的保证金应用于margin-top (from above method) (从上面的方法)

    $(elemTrgt).css({propName : margH});

Thanks to anyone who looks at this. 感谢任何看过这个的人。 Please feel free to give me some constructive critique. 请随意给我一些建设性的批评。 Maybe some that you wish you had when you were a budding developer. 当你是一个崭露头角的开发者时,也许你希望有一些。 :) :)


The problem resides in your setElemMarg() function: 问题出在你的setElemMarg()函数中:

var setElemMarg = function(elem1, elem2, elemTrgt, propName) {
    var margH = (getH(elem1) - getH(elem2)) / 2;

    $(elemTrgt).css({propName : margH});  // <-- Here.

    console.log(elem1, elem2, elemTrgt, propName, margH);

The literal object syntax you're using in your call to css() results in jQuery trying to update a propName style property instead of the property whose name is stored in propName . 您在调用css()使用的文字对象语法会导致jQuery尝试更新propName样式属性而不是名称存储在propName中的属性。

You can use bracket notation to work around this issue: 您可以使用括号表示法来解决此问题:

var styleProps = {};
styleProps[propName] = margH;

Or simply call the two arguments form of css() : 或者简单地调用css()的两个参数形式:

$(elemTrgt).css(propName, margH);

Why not try to use $(element).attr('style','css_values'); 为什么不尝试使用$(element).attr('style','css_values'); ?

Since setElemMarg is called within initDOM in the window.load event, then jquery/dom is not guaranteed to be ready. 由于setElemMarg在window.load事件中的initDOM中被调用,因此不保证jquery / dom准备就绪。 You need to call this function in the document load event 您需要在文档加载事件中调用此函数

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