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[英]RegEx find string in string

May I use a RegEx (insted of Substring) in order to get a string in a string? 我可以使用RegEx(由Substring插入)来获取字符串中的字符串吗?

I'd like to get just the table names from a series of INSERT statements 我只想从一系列INSERT语句中获取表名

INSERT INTO tableA VALUES (col1, col2, col3);
INSERT INTO tableB VALUES (col1, col2, col3);
INSERT INTO tableC VALUES (col1, col2, col3);

Using a regEx I would like to get (single line as I'm reading from a file): 使用regEx我想得到(单行,因为我正在从文件中读取):


I've tried with this expression (INTO )([a-z_])* which gives me 'INTO tableA' which I can use a SubString or Replace to give me the rest, but I'm guessing this may be done in RegEx. 我已经尝试过使用此表达式(INTO )([a-z_])* ,该表达式为我提供了“ INTO tableA”,我可以使用SubString或Replace来给我其余部分,但是我猜想这可以在RegEx中完成。

Use this regex with lookbehind: 将此正则表达式与lookbehind一起使用:


var tables = Regex.Matches(s, @"(?i)(?<=into\s+)\S+")
    .Cast<Match>().Select(m => m.Value);

Since you are using C#, I will specify how I would do it from start to finish: 由于您使用的是C#,因此我将指定从头到尾的操作方式:

        //create regex - the (.*?) is a capture group
        var regex = new Regex("INSERT INTO (.*?) VALUES");

        //mimic text lines read from a file
        var sqlStrings = new string[] {"INSERT INTO tableA VALUES (col1, col2, col3)", "INSERT INTO tableB VALUES (col1, col2, col3)", "INSERT INTO tableC VALUES (col1, col2, col3)"};
        foreach (var line in sqlStrings)
            //get the first match with the regex we created
            var match = regex.Match(line);

            //print out the first capture group

This will write out the following: 这将写出以下内容:


Not sure of your exact input format (newlines or not) and exactly how you want to output it, but I hope this helps. 不确定您的确切输入格式(换行符或不换行)以及您想要输出的确切方式,但我希望这会有所帮助。

And yes, this can be done a lot more concise, but for clarity's sake I split it up over multiple lines and methods. 是的,这可以做得更简洁,但为了清楚起见,我将它分成多行和方法。

Use a text editor and Find + Replace as follows: 使用文本编辑器,然后按以下步骤查找和替换:

Replace: \1

Be sure to check the Regular Expression option. 确保检查“ Regular Expression选项。

This is how my Notepad++ screen looks like and trust me, it has worked. 这就是我的Notepad ++屏幕的样子并相信我,它已经奏效了。


You can capture a substring from the matched string using parantheses: 您可以使用parantheses从匹配的字符串中捕获子字符串:

^ *INSERT\s+INTO\s+(\w+)

From the match results, you can extract first captured group using \\1 or $1 depending on your language. 从匹配结果中,您可以使用\\1$1提取第一个捕获的组,具体取决于您的语言。

* and \\s+ are to ignore extra whitespaces. *\\s+将忽略额外的空格。

in php 在PHP中

$regex = "/INSERT INTO (.*) VALUES/";

in java 在java中

String regex = "INSERT INTO (.*?) VALUES";

first capture group will hold what you want. 第一个捕获组将保持您想要的。

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