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[英]How do you know when a PayPal cart has been abandoned?

I am using PayPal Website Payments Standard to accept payments on an online store. 我使用PayPal网站付款标准接受在线商店的付款。 Currently when customers are sent to PayPal, we assume their orders are abandoned until we get an IPN response from PayPal telling us differently. 目前,当客户被发送到PayPal时,我们假设他们的订单被放弃,直到我们从PayPal获得IPN响应,告诉我们不同。

Looking through PayPal's IPN documentation , it doesn't look like there is a notification for abandoned carts. 通过PayPal的IPN文档 ,看起来似乎没有废弃购物车的通知。 The only other way I could think to do this would be to initially mark an order as pending and then have some kind of service that runs periodically to mark old, uncompleted orders as abandoned. 我能想到的唯一另一种方法是将订单初始标记为待处理,然后提供某种服务,定期运行以将旧的未完成订单标记为已放弃。

Is there a better way to do this? 有一个更好的方法吗? Is there a documented maximum expiration time for a payment request? 是否记录了付款请求的最长到期时间?

PayPal does not have any notification that would be triggered by an interrupted checkout. PayPal没有任何由中断结账触发的通知。 From what I've seen in a few carts they use "Pending" or "Awaiting confirmation" status while awaiting IPN. 从我在几个购物车中看到的,他们在等待IPN时使用“等待”或“等待确认”状态。

IPN (as its payment notification is called) is triggered by payment related events only. IPN(调用其付款通知)仅由付款相关事件触发。 If the cart gets abandoned their payment will not have been made. 如果购物车被放弃,他们将不会付款。 So, there is nothing to notify about. 所以,没有什么可以通知的。

There is no reliable mechanism to get abandonment data. 没有可靠的机制来获取放弃数据。

If you're using PayPal Express Checkout, token life is 3 hours (unless changed on request). 如果您使用的是PayPal Express Checkout,则令牌寿命为3小时(除非根据要求更改)。 So, it's safe to mark a payment "abandoned" after this time. 因此,在此时间之后将付款“放弃”是安全的。

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