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[英]Customizing AJAX File Uploader with AJAX Upload

I am trying to use http://valums.com/ajax-upload/ to upload files via AJAX. 我正在尝试使用http://valums.com/ajax-upload/通过AJAX上传文件。 The reason why is because it meets my needs. 原因是因为它满足了我的需求。 However, I need to customize the behavior and I can't figure it out. 但是,我需要自定义行为,我无法弄清楚。 According to the documentation, I should be able to use FileUploaderBasic, but I can't even get an upload button to appear with FileUploaderBasic. 根据文档,我应该能够使用FileUploaderBasic,但是我什至无法使FileUploaderBasic出现上载按钮。 Currently, I'm trying the following: 目前,我正在尝试以下方法:

<div id="file-uploader">                
        <p>Please enable JavaScript to use file uploader.</p>           
<div id="progressbar" style="width:300px;"></div>

<script type="text/javascript">
    $().ready(function () {
        var u = new uploader.FileUploaderBasic({
            element: document.getElementById('file-uploader'),
            action: '/files/upload',
            debug: true,
            onProgress: function (id, fileName, loaded, total) {
                $("#progressbar").progressbar("value", 50);
            onComplete: function(id, fileName, responseJSON){
                $("#progressbar").progressbar("value", 100);            

            value: 0

For each file that is being uploaded, I would like to show a progress bar. 对于每个要上传的文件,我想显示一个进度栏。 to the right of the progress bar, I would like to show the percentage of the upload that has completed. 在进度条的右侧,我想显示已完成上传的百分比。 Below the progress bar, I would like to show the file name and the total size of the file. 在进度条下方,我想显示文件名和文件总大小。 I know the HTML for this is something like the following: 我知道HTML类似于以下内容:

<table border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>
  <tr><td rowspan='2'>[img]</td>
    <td>[Progress Bar]</td>

  <tr><td colspan='2'>[filename] - [filesize]</td></tr>

I'm just not sure how to accomplish this with FileUploaderBasic. 我只是不确定如何使用FileUploaderBasic完成此操作。 What am I doing wrong? 我究竟做错了什么? I've reached a point of desperation. 我已经到了绝望的地步。 Please help! 请帮忙!

try changing 尝试改变

element: document.getElementById('file-uploader')


button: document.getElementById('file-uploader')

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