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[英]How to create a shared folder on a remote Windows machine using C#?

I want to manage shared folders on a remote machine from a C# application. 我想从C#应用程序管理远程计算机上的共享文件夹。 Is there a way to do this using C#? 有没有办法用C#做到这一点?

I know WMI can do remote management but I haven't found a way to manage file and folder sharing. 我知道WMI可以进行远程管理,但我还没有找到管理文件和文件夹共享的方法。

The Win32_Share WMI class can be used to manage shared resources, including folders. Win32_Share WMI类可用于管理共享资源,包括文件夹。 The MSDN documentation page includes some sample code for creating a share (see the example by Radjin Sardjoe Missier on that page). MSDN文档页面包含一些用于创建共享的示例代码(请参阅Radjin Sardjoe Missier在该页面上的示例)。


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