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C ++,默认构造函数

[英]C++ , Default constructor

When a constructor in a superclass receives arguments, it is no longer a default constructor, right? 当超类中的构造函数接收参数时,它不再是默认的构造函数,对吗? For example 例如

class a {
      int a;
      int b;
      a(int c, int d){

Now when I try to make a subclass, the program causes an error, it says "no default constructor is defined in the super class". 现在,当我尝试创建子类时,该程序会导致错误,并显示“在超类中未定义默认构造函数”。 How can I solve this problem? 我怎么解决这个问题? I know that if I remove the arguments, everything is going to be fine but I'm told not to do so in my C++ test. 我知道,如果删除参数,一切都会好起来的,但是在我的C ++测试中,我被告知不要这样做。 Please help me figure it out. 请帮我弄清楚。

If your base class isn't default-constructible, or if you don't want to use the base class's default constructor, then you simply have to tell the derived class how to construct the base subobject: 如果您的基类不是默认可构造的,或者您不想使用基类的默认构造函数,则只需告诉派生类如何构造基子对象:

struct b : a
    b(int n) : a(n, 2*n) { }
    //         ^^^^^^^^^ <--  base class initializer, calls desired constructor

You have to provide a constructor which takes no argument yourself. 您必须提供一个自己不带参数的构造函数。



Once you provide any constructor for your class the compiler does not generate the implicit default constructor which takes no arguments. 为类提供任何构造函数后,编译器将不会生成不带参数的隐式默认构造函数。 So if your code then needs a no arguments constructor you will have to provide it yourself. 因此,如果您的代码随后需要一个无参数的构造函数,则您必须自己提供它。

You normally deal with this with an initializer list: 您通常使用初始化列表处理此问题:

#include <iostream>

class a { 
    a(int c, int d) { std::cout << c << " " << d << "\n"; }

class b : public a { 
    b() : a(1, 2) {}

int main() { 
    b x;
    return 0;

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